Marketplace/e-GRANT/LTOS Updates Roksana Dobrzanska, Tomasz Szepieniec, Jarosław Zbozień
Marketplace procedures Authentication Managed to integrate with AAI on Problem with attributes mapping: Name and surname taken from skype (using Sendmail) Hardcoded e-mail Attributes for additional customer profile info implemented in PS Discover and request services Service catalogue implemented Waiting for the documentation to implement missing services Providers associated with products Possibility to define price algorithms Possibility to add and redefine attributes for given products Dates and level of access associated with products (not a common attributes)
Marketplace procedures Check-out Order summary User profile Additional service option: user profile Hierarchy in additional attributes Initial workflows Possibility to define notifications supporting the workflows At the moment configured notifications: Presta basic notifications User registration Sent order Specified one email adres, possibility to define many admin e-mail addresser Need to define notification templates
TODOs Finish AAI integration Introduce missing products (waiting for the specification) Introduce missing texts, info, links in the Marketplace (waiting for the specification) Implement notification scheme (waiting for the specification) EGI tests the PS Marketplace and delivers a list of inconsistencies (buttons’ names, info texts for attributes etc.)