IKCA CEA Technical ANNEXES Follow up 18th DECEMBER 2015
RISKS WORKSHOP – 14th january 2016 Proposed CEA talks for risks workshop (14th january): Presentation of the process deployed at CEA (Ph Gastinel) MANAGEMENT risks identification and mitigation plan (F. Ardellier) RFQ identification and mitigation plan proposed (A.C. Chauveau) ELLIPTICAL CRYOMODULES : risks identification and mitigation plan Components supply (F. Peauger) CM assembly (T. Trublet) DIAGNOSTIFCS : risks identification and mitigation plan (F. Senée) CONTROL SYSTEM : risks identification and mitigation plan (F. Gougnaud)
Work is on-going at the CEA legal department : SCHEDULE#1 : management Work is on-going at the CEA legal department : More work than foreseen to check the coherence between IKCA and schedule#1 => Proposed version ready to be send to ESS : 8th january 2015
Schedule # 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.10 : Elliptical Cryomodules About the schedules writing since last meeting … Schedule # 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.10 : Elliptical Cryomodules Components supply : Technical exchanges between ESS & CEA are still on going. No specific issue Next step : available for CEA lawers mid-january (postponed of 2 months) Cryomodules Assembly : preliminary version available and sent to ESS ESS – CEA exchanges and meetings are going on. Expertise for the follow-up of the cavities : no progress Support to installation & commissioning : no progress Schedule # 1.5 : RFQ - Technical agreement : ready to be forwarded to legal department Schedule # 1.7 : Control Systems : - technical agreement between ESS-ICS and CEA-IRFU for
Flow Chart for each Technical Annexe and Status MA # 1 (management) 29th june Updated : 31st july 17th september 2015 Under discussion 4th September 25th september 23rd october TA#2 CM components supply 20th july Vs Hbeta requirements 8th september 2015 18th september CEA & ESS exchanges for detailed Mid January TA#3 CM enginering and assembly 22nd spetember 2015 22 october 2015 10th november 2015 18th september CEA & ESS exchanges for detailed end January TA#4 : technical assistance End of august Delayed sept postponed TA#5 : RFQ 21st sept 2015 7 october 19th october 28 october Mid november Mid january TA#6 : NIPM 7th july 18th sept 2015 TA# 7 : CS RFQ + EIK#3 End of july Visio on 5th august End of october TA#8, TA#9 & TA#10 = early IKC Addendum TA#10 7th december 2015
Status table (18th december 2015) IKC Technical Annexes 23rd October 2015 SCOPE (ESS/ CEA) Requirements /Inputs ESS Perimeter definition and contractual interfaces Status Next Milestones Management Agreed to be frozen Ok Work on progress at the CEA legal department 29th october: « technical » version for lawers 8th january : transfer of the document to ESS CM components supply Baseline agreed - ESS 0021353 Rev 0 - ESS-0038090 (20150826) OK Interfaces to be completed (cavities) Delta Irfu internal ESS – CEA meetings, technical agreement are on going Technical version agreed between ESS and CEA : mid january november CM assembly 1 point to solve : fitting interfaces in the ground Delta Irfu internal review required ESS – CEA meetings for technical agreement are on going technical version agreed between ESS & CEA : beginning December End january Cavities Expertise RFQ Agreed on the 23th october Technical version agreed between ESS and CEA agreed CEA legal department : mid of janurary NPM diagnostics Baseline agreed Agreement to be confirmed for the feasability and prototype only Control system OK discussion required for ohers contributions