Vestibular-Emotional Reflex Biometrics4U ELSYS Corp. presents a new Research&Development: Vestibular-Emotional Reflex or VibraImage technology discovers Physiology of Movements
Physiology of movements Movement is fulfillment of what exists potentially. (Physics III, 335 BC) Aristotle Every reaction of brain activity could be characterized as muscular movement. (Reflexes of the brain, 1863) Ivan Sechenov Reflex movements associated with emotions. (The expression of the emotions in man and animals, 1872) Charles Darwin Amplitude and intensity of reflex movements characterized aggression. (On Aggression, 1966) Konrad Lorenz
Vestibular system
Head movements
Vestibular reflexes and tests Active head rotation testing Rotatory chair testing Vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR) Vestibular tests
Vibration and vestibular-emotional reflex Head movements means vibration. Vibration characterized by parameters, as frequency and amplitude. Vestibular-emotional reflex (VER) shows the dependence on head vibration parameters from emotions.
Frame difference as movement measure Frame sequence y T1 x y T2 x y Frame difference dependence from the movement amount. x
VibraImage Amplitude vibraimage Frequency vibraimage Frequency scale
EEG and vibraimage signals Vibraimage and EEG Cross correlation signal links for anger normal EEG and vibraimage signals synchronized record
Multiple vibraimage T= 10c T= 1c T= 0,1c Vibraimages with different accumulation time
Histogram frequency distribution P(f) P(f) f, f, Vibraimage frequency distribution histogram for disease (up) and normal (down) person. Vibraimage frequency distribution histogram for tired (up) and anger (down) person.
Power spectrum of frequency vibration S (f) S (f) f, f, Vibraimage signal power spectrum for normal state (up) and tension state (down) person. Vibraimage signal power spectrum for normal state (up) and tension state (down) person.
Aura and vibraimage Normal state vibraimage and aura Anger state vibraimage and aura
Security airport requests Emotions control Aggression Stress Tension Danger level Pulkovo airport, St. Petersburg Technical request Control time Tк 10 c Distance from camera to passenger L 2 m Errors rate FRR 10%
Macromovements analyze More intensive moved person is visible by technical profiling
Vibraimage challenges Low noise digital cameras Stable and uniform illumination Low levels external vibration and movements Law undetermined
System structure 10 – Local module for emotion control (ELSYS Corp): 11 – monitor 12 – software 13 – local computer 14 – dongle 15 – digital camera 20 – server: 21 – server monitor 22 – server software 23 – server terminal 26 – net concentrator 30 – local modules
Emotion and minds control reality Optical TV systems VibraImage FASI project, Russia Thermo vision systems Hostile Intentions, Homeland Security project, USA
Vibraimage applications Security Biometrics Medicine Psychology Sport Computers Electronics Games
e-mail: CONTACTS&QUESTIONS Viktor Minkin e-mail: