Southeast Asia and Oceania Isabella Gorgievska
Introduction Southeast Asia Region in Asia Includes South China and Japan, East India, West Papa New Guinea and North Australia Area of 4,545,792 km 2 Population: 641 million Numerous religions including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and more Oceania Includes Australasia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia Covers an area of 8,525,989 km2 Population: 40 million Predominantly Christian religion (73%)
The Physical geography and its effect on settlement and economic development Physical geography -Archipelago beautiful and exotic islands and beaches attract tourists and visitors which boosts economy and money into the countries -Open seas allowing for trade with other countries to build economy -Volcanoes providing fertile land and soil to grow crops and develop farming -Coral reefs built on lava flows in the ocean, rich sea ecosystem for fishing -Oceania is one of earth’s eight terrestrial ecozones (ecozones make up the major ecological regions of the planet)
Factors affecting human settlement (TSW 1& 5) Human settlement and activities are always dependent on the physical features of the land and the climate SE AsiaOceania ClimateTropical wet and tropical wet/dry with monsoons Varies- tropical rainforest and savannah, desert VegetationVery diverse amount of crops that can be grown Not a very diverse number of crops that can be grown SoilsVolcanos provide fertile land where a variety of crops can be grown High islands rich in soil and rain, low islands are not, so much of the land is not suitable for crops
Physical Geography and human settlement’s influence on the economy Economic Growth Mountain ranges: - Volcanos make fertile soil - Agriculture and economy develop Rivers: - Drain to fertile deltas - Agriculture and economy develop Many peninsulas and islands: - Large coast line -Open seas - Many ports for travel and trading Plentiful water for travel, trade and crops: - Fish supply for food and fishing trade Mineral resources that can be sold: - Petroleum - Tin - Gems
Factors affecting human settlement People were settling in the areas where they can provide essential needs for their survival so the physical geography and climate affect human settlement SE Asia and Oceania is formed by many different landforms: some areas are rich with water and fertile soil therefore farming is the main source of economy. Other areas are dry with no fertile land -Soil is not good for farming in the rainforests, so there is little settlement of people there -Areas near volcanic activity have fertile land so people settled there -Areas near water, deltas and rivers are well populated because the land is fertile there -Lots of mountainous regions are not populated because they are difficult to get to and have active volcanos
Factors affecting human settlement cont’ -Economy develops where industry and agriculture develops -Most popular crops in SE Asia are wet rice, corn, cassava and pulses -Large areas of land involved in wet-rice farming which contributes to economic development -Wet rice needs lots of water, so people settled near the areas of water and rivers -People could not live close to active volcanoes safely (and there are over 600 active volcanoes in the mountains of SE Asia), so there is lots of land with little population -In modern day, farming and agriculture that are part of economy has caused deforestation so there is space on the land for agriculture
Effect of industrialisation on human settlement in SE Asia Originally, people lived in rural areas and depended on farming for income and economic development After industrialisation began, people moved to urban areas in search for a better life – Pull Factor Industrialisation boosted the economy in these territories Factories were growing, people were migrating to the cities, and trading boosted the economy Other territories, like Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam mainly use agriculture for income (rice, wood, pulses, cassava) Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand have the most developed economies in the region. They focus on producing textiles, clothing and electronic products and belong to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) which is an alliance for economical health and growth in SE Asian countries Some areas like Brunei are rich with petroleum and natural gasses that they can export for economy On the other hand, Australia and New Zealand which were British Colonies, attracted people because there was gold discovered in
Effect of industrialisation on human settlement in Oceania On the other hand, Australia and New Zealand which were British Colonies, attracted people because there was gold discovered in 1850s. They also belonged to the British Commonwealth and many British people migrated to this area because of the riches of the land’s physical features. This boosted the economy of these territories, for example they exported food products and wool to the UK. Later they developed industry, for example the largest income to Australia is mining like diamonds, lead, zinc and opal. They also have coal, copper and iron. But Australian economy mainly depends on the foreign investments that helped them build roads and reach the mines because Australia has no capital to invest in those businesses. So in Australia, foreign investors control half of the industry. These foreign investments helped Australia and New Zealand develop and become the most urbanised areas in the world because 80% of the population lives in urban areas there. In conclusion, SE Asia and Oceania has a diverse physical geography and natural resources that results in different settlements and economical development. Some are focused on farming because of the fertile land, some are focused on mining because of the richness of ores, and others are focused on factories and industry. But what they have in common is trading that boosts the economy in different levels. Some territories like Austria, New Zealand, and Singapore are very rich because of their wealth, and other countries like Indonesia are still struggling with poverty and their economy. There is a new problem in modern day: there are too many people in many of the cities in SE Asia, so they are being asked to volunteer to move back to the rural lands and work on agriculture
Cultural ties to the world Chinese and Indian Influence (111 B.C) China ruled Vietnam – shaped culture, technology and beliefs Religion and art- Hinduism and Buddhism from India Mandala states – rings of power around central court European colonisation (1500s) Europeans came to become more wealthy To do this, they colonised all of SE Asia except modern day Thailand Brought centralised governments, missionaries spread Christianity, caused nationalism in SE Asia Japanese occupation (WW2) Gave SE Asians valuable leadership roles Results in government experience Japanese influences Vietnam War ( ) North and South Vietnam unite into one country Communism rule which spread to Cambodia and Laos
Reasons for human migration to SE Asia and Oceania Rich in petroleum and natural gas reserves Many mineral resources eg tin, gems Explorers, including James Cook (1500s) Missionaries to spread Christianity (1800s) Traders for coconut oil Sailors for whale hunting Plantations by settlers to grow coconuts, coffee, pineapples and sugar Oceania Colonisers came for wealth Colonised SE Asia in the process Used their natural and human resources Used the colonies to make resources to benefit Western people and Western economy SE Asia
Demographic data & standards of living Australia, New Zealand and Singapore have the highest standard of living in SE Asia and Oceania Seen by demographic data Lowest infant mortality rates, highest number of doctors per population number, and highest GDP rates Literacy rates and life expectancy are also higher Comparison with the United States Largest total area Largest population, Indonesia has similar population, but much smaller land area – overpopulated and poorer living conditions – which is why mortality rates are higher and life expectancy is lower Australia and the US are very similar in demographic data Why is this? Better demographics because of: Higher education rates Advanced technology Access to medical care Allow for better quality of life, healthier population and economic growth SingaporeIndonesiaUnited States Population4.6 millon240 million307 million Total area (Square Miles) 267 sq. miles741,100 sq miles 3.7 million sq. miles Life expectancy Infant mortality (per 1,000) GDP (billions USD) ,260 Literacy rate %