EULAR-defined characteristics describing arthralgia at risk for RA EULAR-defined characteristics describing arthralgia at risk for RA. The reported AUC, sensitivity and specificity were calculated within newly presenting patients with CSA in outpatient clinics of European expert rheumatologists (who were part of the task force who defined arthralgia at risk for RA) with clinical expertise as reference.18 A sensitive definition requires the presence of at least three items and a specific definition requires the presence of at least four items. EULAR-defined characteristics describing arthralgia at risk for RA. The reported AUC, sensitivity and specificity were calculated within newly presenting patients with CSA in outpatient clinics of European expert rheumatologists (who were part of the task force who defined arthralgia at risk for RA) with clinical expertise as reference.18 A sensitive definition requires the presence of at least three items and a specific definition requires the presence of at least four items. AUC, area under the curve; EULAR, European League Against Rheumatism; MCP, metacarpophalangeal; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; sens, sensitivity; spec, specificity; UA, undifferentiated arthritis. Debbie M Boeters et al. RMD Open 2017;3:e000479 Copyright © BMJ Publishing Group & EULAR. All rights reserved.