The New Jim Crow.


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Presentation transcript:

The New Jim Crow

Ch. 1 By the 1770s there was a racial caste system based upon slavery in the United States After the Civil War southern whites felt that a new system of social control was needed Black Codes introduced

Vagrancy laws – Ku Klux Klan- Convict camps and convict leasing Conservatives- blames liberals for pushing blacks ahead of their proper place- contributes to their downfall

Southern Manifesto- led by Sam Ervin in Congress- 101 of 120 members of Congress support- to preserve Jim Crow by all legal means Backlash against Brown v. Board of Education and the de-segregation of schools Some good things- Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965-Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Movement was then considered a breakdown of law and order 1960s – crime rate rose for 10 years- Baby Boom Generation has increased the number of 15 to 24 year olds in the population- commit most of the crimes.

1964 riots in Harlem 1968 Many riots after MLK killed

What is the Southern Strategy?

A new majority can be created out of the Republican Party Law and Order rhetoric- to capture the white south and blue collar Catholic vote Appealed to racial fears and antagonisms Still resentment in the South over busing and desegregation Poverty not caused by structural factors but by culture

There was a shift from fighting white collar crime to fighting street crime Alexander claims that the War on Drugs was a crackdown on race – only 2% of Americans at the time thought there was a problem with drugs

Blue collar jobs are disappearing Economy is shifting from industrial to a service economy Lack of college educations for Blacks left them isolated and jobless- resulted in more incentives to turn to drugs Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986- started strong penalties for drug use and mandatory minimum sentences

Willie Horton Ad Willie Horton Ad George HW Bush 1988 – YouTube Clinton escalates the Drug War American Drug War:The Last White Hope (a kevin booth film) - YouTube

$17 billion is cut from public housing, an additional $19 billion went into corrections- prison construction became the main housing program for the poor. 1 strike and you are out of public housing for drug dealing

A new racialized system of control- 2 million behind bars 90% admitted to prison for drug offenses were Black or Latino The new Jim Crow was born. 2/3 of the rise of prisoners in prison was due to drugs

In 2005, 4 out of 5 arrests were for drug possession (No history of violence for most drug offenders) 4th Amendment procedures have been cut back by the Supreme Court