Breakout Session: Controls Timing and Event System S. Allison, M. Browne, B. Dalesio, J. Dusatko, R. Fuller, A. Gromme, D. Kotturi, P. Krejcik, S. Norum, D. Rogind, H. Shoaee, M. Zelazny
Outline Overview and HW Block Diagram Performance of timing system for injector commissioning Outstanding Issues Task List BC2 installation Status & Long-Haul Fiber Issues
Timing and Event Architecture New LCLS Timing System ~ Linac main drive line Low Level RF FIDO Beam Synchronous Acquisition 119 MHz 360 Hz SLC MPG P N E T I O C E V G F A N SLC events LCLS events fiber distribution Precision<10 ps * EPICS Network Digitizer LLRF BPMs Toroids Cameras GADCs SLC klystrons I O C E V R D E V TTL * m P P N E T S T B TTL-NIM convert. *MicroResearch SLC Trigs
Hardware Block Diagram 2007 Commissioning Modulator Triggers Existing Control System Beam Path Acq and Calibration Triggers BPM FEE PADs and PACs Timing Crate Acc and Standby Triggers E V G F A N 1 F A N 2 P N E T I O C E V R I O C E V R 1 E V R 2 E V R 3 I O C 360Hz Fiducial RF Timing BPM Crates LLRF Crate 119MHz Clock Future MPS Beam Rate, Beam Path Fiber Distribution: Timing Pattern, Timestamp, Event Codes TORO FEE Triggers Triggers Trigger F A N 3 E V R 1 C A M 1 I O C 1 ... E V R 8 C A M 8 I O C 8 E V R 1 C A M 1 C A M 2 I O C 1 … E V R 4 C A M 7 C A M 8 I O C 4 Laser Steering Crate F A N 4 E V R I O C Profile Monitor Crate Toro Farc Crate … …
Progress since Oct, 2006 Installation in sector 20 and 21 commissioned ! Successfully integrated it with the SLC Timing System Finished hardware bench testing Finished PMC-EVR driver EVG sequence RAM programming at 360Hz, conditional logic is fairly basic, but does the job. Event pattern records and timestamp distribution on the EVR IOCs Finished cabling plans and documentation Finished beam-synchronous acquisition
Diagram shows IN20 / LI20 Event System installation IN20 Installation Diagram shows IN20 / LI20 Event System installation Top-Level shows connections to SLC Timing, MDL The EVG Crate is shown with its fanouts to all subsystems
Tallies for 2007 Commissioning # EVRs = 31 (mostly PMC) # IOCs with EVRs = 28 # EVR Fanouts = 4 # Hardware Triggers = 120 and counting All TTL except 2 NIM triggers for QDCs Most require short cables (except LLRF) EVR with clock now available for BC2 installation All acquisition electronics using either internal clocks, clock output from the RF timing system, or other external clocks
Event System Functionality Event Generator IOC: Send out proper event codes at 360Hz based on: PNET pattern input (beam code and bits that define beam path and other conditions) Add LCLS conditions such as BPM calibration on off-beam pulses , diagnostic pulse etc. Future – event codes also based on new MPS and user input Send out system timestamp with encoded pulse ID from PNET Send out PNET pattern to be used by SLC-aware IOCs Manage user-defined beam-synchronous acquisition measurement definitions (event definition or EDEF) Check for match between user EDEFs and input PNET pattern at 360Hz and tag matches in outgoing pattern
Event System Functionality, cont Event Receiver IOC: Set trigger delays, pulse widths, and enable/disable via user requests (not yet done on a pulse-by-pulse basis) Set event code per trigger (triggering done in HW when event code received) Receive event pattern 8.3 msec before corresponding pulse Perform beam-synchronous acquisition based on tags set by EVG in the event pattern Perform beam-synchronous acquisition for the SLC-aware IOC based on the PNET part of the event pattern Process pre-defined records when specific event codes are received (not yet available – bug!)
EVG Event Time Line – 4 Fiducials 360Hz Fiducial F0 (n=0) F1 (n=1) F2 (n=2) F3 (n=3) Time (msec) 1.0 2.8 5.6 8.3 9.3 HW starts sending event codes, starting with fiducial event code R0 R1 R2 R3 Receive Fn+3 PNET, determine Fn+3 LCLS pattern, and advance pipeline (n-2->n-1->n) P0 P1 P2 P3 L0 L1 L2 L3 Send LCLS pattern Set Event Codes in Alt RAM based on the last patterns for Fn+1 E1 E2 E3 E4 120Hz BEAM B-3 B0
Trigger Event Time Line – 1 Beam Pulse (B0) Record processing (event, interrupt) Hardware Triggers Receive pattern for 3 pulses ahead Triggering Event Codes Start Beam Kly Standby Event Timestamp, pattern records, and BSA ready Acq Trigger Kly Accel Fiducial Event Received Fiducial F3 B0 18 500 1023 Time (usec) 0.3 100
Trigger Control Display
Trigger Event Assignment Display
EVG Displays
The Event System HW is performing as expected Issues The Event System HW is performing as expected At the first order - still in its infancy Outstanding problem (presumably software) where CPU hangs when EVR interrupts are enabled. Some IOCs running without interrupts (hardware triggers but without timestamps, BSA, or event code IRQs). Documentation and help screens still to be done. EVG IOC doesn’t know when there’s no beam, only when beam is possible – limits trigger conditions. Software not yet in place to handle hardware and communication errors.
LCLS Event System for Beam Synchronous Data Acquisition All pulsed readback devices BPMs Cameras RF phase and amplitude Bunch length monitors Loss monitors Can be read simultaneously on a single pulse, throughout the machine With a repetition rate of 120 Hz
Beam Synchronous Acquisition (BSA) EVG Event Definitions (EDEFs) are used for BSA EDEF includes: Beam code SLC PNET bits and LCLS Modifier bits No. of pulses to average, no. of pulses to measure Client or System name Permanent System EDEFs that are always active: 1Hz, 10Hz, Full, Single Shot, Feedback Available to all clients Client applications may reserve a Client EDEF Client receives EDEF # assignment on demand Client proceeds to fill out definition, then sets “GO”
Slots for 20 possible Event Definitions allocated User Defs Fixed Defs
User interface for defining an Event Def
Example of Data Fanout 20 Buffers One for each EDEF 2800 samples per buffer
Current Activities Software - fix hang problem, add HW error detection and recovery Next installation phase is BC2 (sectors 21 to 30): 60 EVRs to be ordered - 34 VME, 26 PMC – critical path 5 fanout modules (1 every 2 sectors) SW - only DB and display work planned Long Haul Fiber Test Integrate new LCLS MPS and Master Pattern Generator (MPG): Make EVG aware of MPS trips Rate-liming logic including beam “burst” and “single-shot” modes Send out PNET pattern to EVG and CAMAC controls (for modulator triggers) Beyond BC2: BSY/LTU/Undulator Procurement and Plans Changes to EVR firmware to change behavior when multiple triggers on a single pulse Generic trigger delay scan package Bunch charge change on pulse-by-pulse basis? More complex conditional logic for event codes (EVG) and pulse-to-pulse changes in trigger attributes?
Challenges in extending the LCLS timing system beyond the injector biggest challenge is Long-Haul distribution of timing data via the Fiber-Optical (F-O) Links Reasons MRF Event System is designed around Multi-Mode SFP (Small Form-Factor Pluggable) F-O links which allow a maximum fiber length of ~300 meters Our requirements include runs of several Kilometers (at least) Cannot daisy-chain the event F-O links: exceeds the jitter budget Temperature effects on long fibers – drift, but how bad?
Long-Haul Fiber Distribution Proposed Solution: New HW and some testing Single-Mode, pin-compatible SFP modules are commercially available (Agilent ACFT-57R5) Allows us to go ~10KM Plugs into our event system HW Does not solve temperature-induced phase-drift problem Solve this by: Running Long Fiber in temperature-controlled environment Re-Syncing EVRs to a locally-distributed 119MHz source Long-haul fiber test: Function of Single-Mode SFP Modules Drift, Trigger time jitter, Phase Noise
Long-Haul Event Fiber System Test What it will determine: Function of Single-Mode SFP Modules Drift, Trigger time jitter, Phase Noise Compare two EVR’s triggers & RF Clocks One EVR Short-Haul Other EVR Long-Haul Also compare to reference RF Clock