Climate breakdown, young people and political activism John Barry Professor of green political economy Queen’s university Belfast @ProfJohnBarry
You should be concerned and angry…
11 years to save the planet “This is the moral challenge of our generation. We cannot rob our children of their future”. UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon (Dec 2007)
We should be fearful of climate breakdown…. But not despair….which leads to inaction We need to have the courage and hope that we can rise to the challenge and many opportunities it represents
So why after decades of knowing what the problem is …there is insufficient action? Denial – some people deny climate breakdown is a reality ….or if it is happening, humans are not the cause Not seen as a priority, or other issues – terrorism, jobs, etc. more important Vested interests – fossil fuel corporations – confusing people – claiming there is a ‘debate’ when there is none…only debate is what we do Convenience – if we accept climate breakdown is real and urgent, this means changes to our lives …and people can resist this
Where are you, your family & community on the curve?
“Why should we be studying for a future that soon will be no more and when no one is doing anything to save that future?” “Whoever you are, wherever you are, we need you now. This Friday, …I am calling for an international climate strike. Please strike with us. Stand outside your parliament or local government office even for just a short while to let them know we demand climate action.”
Fridays for Future…young people taking action #ClimateStrike #ActNow #FridaysForFuture Talk to your fellow pupils, teachers, parents, family and friends about climate breakdown Consider joining the #ClimateStrike on a Friday and on March 15th When the time comes, walk out of school in whatever way you think best. Once you’ve walked out — choose what is right. You might want to hold a quick rally on the school steps. Or you might want to sit on the steps outside your local politicians’ office and demand they take urgent climate action. Or if you cannot or do not want to walk out of school do some other action within school grounds
For those who question strike action…what is their alternative course of action?
Belfast Climate strike 15th February
What can you/we do? Educate – learn about climate breakdown, talk with others about it; Agitate - Make your voice heard in other ways – social media campaigns, writing to politicians, invite them to come and speak to you, join climate strike; Organise – much better and more effective to work with others; Practical action – reduce flying, less red meat, walk/cycle more, mindful consumption…others? There are solutions and you/we can make a difference…but only if we act together….and now What if you are the people you’ve been waiting for?
Thanks for listening Questions and comments
Fear, hope and activism “If there’s anything I’ve learnt from my education in activism, then it’s that true hope exists only in action, in the solidarity which arises from a shared and deep fear”. Sophie Sleeman, 17, from Devon is an activist with the UK Student Climate Network, the organization mobilizing the Youth Strike 4 Climate movement. Sophie tweets at @SleemanSophie.
“Young people are well placed to contribute to the fight even now “Young people are well placed to contribute to the fight even now. They are adept at spreading new habits and technologies. They are adaptable and can quickly make low-carbon lifestyles and career choices a part of their daily lives. Youth should therefore be given a chance to take an active part in the decision- making of local, national and global levels”. Ban-Ki Moon, UN General Secretary, World Youth Day 2008