Welcome Financial Recovery Advisory Committee April 3, 2019
2019 General Fund Budget Summary of Revenues
2019 General Fund Budget Summary of Expenditures
History of Revenues By Percentage Note: Shown are the audited actual or budgeted revenues for the calendar years. Does not include any borrowing, reserve transfers or other sources of financing
Potential Building Re-Configuration Options
Overview In January 2019, PFM presented the findings of its facilities report to the Scranton School Board Major findings from the report include: Total cost of all identified capital projects: $144 million Critical renovations and improvements over the next 5 to 7 years: $53.2 million Urgent renovations required to keep buildings in operating condition: $7.3 million PFM outlined one potential building re-configuration option for consideration to illustrate the operational and capital savings from building changes PFM recommended that the Scranton School District evaluate building utilization, attendance areas, grade structures and operational costs in order to identify other alternatives The CRO, District Administration and PFM have reviewed available information and selected three options that will be discussed in the following slides Building changes would not occur in the 2019-20 school year
Building Capacity PFM reviewed enrollment counts from March 2019 to verify the building capacity estimates in the facilities report The table below shows the District’s total enrollment, as well as an adjustment to the Pre-Kindergarten enrollment to account for the half-day program Enrollment PDE Capacity Capacity Incl. Pre-K # Students % of Total District –Owned Buildings Elementary Schools 4,775 5,575 800 85.7% Intermediate Schools 2,245 3,756 1,511 59.8% High Schools 2,709 3,481 772 77.8% Subtotal 9,729 12,812 3,083 75.9% Students in Other Buildings 425 Total Enrollment 10,154
Re-Configuration Options Plan A Plan B Plan C Buildings Closed Administration Building Bancroft Elementary School Morris Elementary School Whittier Annex Adams Elementary School McNichols Plaza Prescott Elementary School Program Changes Elementary Schools: Pre-K to Grade 4 Intermediate Schools: Grade 5 to Grade 8 High Schools: No Change Pre-Kindergarten: Central Location at Sumner Kindergarten to Grade 4 West Scranton High School: Grades 9 and 10 Scranton High School: Grades 11 and 12 Savings Operations $648,656 $1,274,912 Capital $6,371,438 $10,001,925 Total $7,020,094 $11,276,837
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