INFLUENCE OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AND DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS ON COMPANY PERFORMANCE IN PT. ULTRAJAYA MILK INDUSTRY TBK Lovely Handayani Sinuhajia, Heddry Purbab, aAdventist University of Indonesia, Jl. Kol. Masturi 288, Bandung 40559, Indonesia bAdventist University of Indonesia, Jl. Kol. Masturi 288, Bandung 40559, Indonesia ICAS 2017 Malaysia © 2017 Indrawan, Agoes & Pangaribuan
1. Introduction Competitive competition using information system Inovation product and services How to make the system and distribution goods and services more effective and efficient businesses today is how to integrate Digital into the supply chain, distribution and retail strategies Mistakes in the distribution chain can directly affect the top and bottom line in the short term and the industry’s competitive dynamic in the long term.
Research Question How management information systems affect the performance of the company? How distribution channels affect the performance of the company?
2. Literature Review and Hypotheses Development 2.1 The influence Management Information System towards Performance Company Management Information System is a system designed to present decision-oriented information needed by management to plan, monitor and evaluate organizational activities.(Sunyoto, 2014).
Andiyani Puji., (2014) states that Management Information System is influenced by the Performance Company. Management Information System has a significant and positive influence towards Performance Company (Fachri Akbar, Wiranda 2015). Ha1: MIS significantly influences Performance Company.
Rizan, (2011) found that distribution channels has a significant positive influence towards performance company. Other research has discovered that distribution channels does not have a significant influence towards the performance company(Pulung, 2014). Ha2: Distribution Channels influences performance company.
3. Research Method 3.1 Population and sample The population used in this study is all employees who are in PT ultra milk scattered in all branch offices in Indonesia
all the managers that exist in the company and branch companies throughout Indonesia The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, the samples that conform to some criteria set by the researcher (Sekaran and Bougie, 2013) as follows: All the managers that exist in the company and branch companies throughout Indonesia. (45 respondent)
3.2 Operationalization of variables This study uses the interval scale for all variables with description of the operationalization of the variables described in the following table.
Management Information System (Independent Variable) Marakas and O’Brien 2013 Distribution Channel (Dependent Variable) Kasman 2015 Performance Company Manurung 2010, Karinanadi 2012 People Resources Place Operational Hadware Resources Time Finance Software Resources Form Service Data Resources Information Individual Nework Resources Leadership Co-Workers System ICAS 2017 Malaysia © 2017 Indrawan, Agoes& Pangaribuan
3.3 Technical data collection and processing In this study, to obtain the necessary data the authors use the primary data collection techniques, namely the original data collected by researchers to answer the problem of research in particular (Sunyoto, 2013). Primary Data Collection: Questionnaire and Interviews This study uses a significance level of 5%. The software used to process variable data in this study is spss version 16.0 for Windows. The regression analysis was used to measure the effect of independent variables towards dependent variables, also shows the relationship between dependent variables and independent variables.
4. Results and discussion Statistics analysis
Distribution Channels ε MIS Distribution Channels Performance Company Sig. 0.009 Sig. 0.069 Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 15.616 4.429 3.526 .001 Management Information System .514 .188 .400 2.727 .009 Distribution Channels .298 .159 .274 1.868 .069 a. Dependent Variable: Performance Company (Diolah oleh penulis dengan Spss 16)
Variable Management Information System has value tcount = 2 Variable Management Information System has value tcount = 2.727 bigger than ttable = 2.01669 which can be concluded The null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and alternative Hypothesis (Ha) accepted which means there is significant influence between management information system partially to company performance with level significance 0.009 Variable Channel Distribution has a value of t count = 1.868 smaller than ttable = 2.01669 which can be concluded The null hypothesis (H0) is accepted and alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is rejected which means there is no significant influence between distribution channels partially to company performance with significance level 0.6. ICAS 2017 Malaysia © 2017 Indrawan, Agoes & Pangaribuan
From the processing results data, a regression equation model is obtained as follows: PC = 15.616 + 0.514 MIS – 0.298 DC+ ε
The regression model gives the interpretation that: The value of management information system variables shows the value of 0.514 which means that any increase in value on the variable Management information system will increase the value of variable Y (company performance) of 0.514. The value of distribution channel variables shows the value of 0.298 which means that any increase in value on the variable distribution channel will increase the value of variable Y, (company performance) of 0.29.
Coefficient of determination test (R2) Coefficient of determination (R2) essentially measures the capacity of a model in explaining the variation in the dependent variable. Coefficient of determination test results is shown in the following table:
Based on research data in the table above R Square = 0 Based on research data in the table above R Square = 0.351 this means the role of the contribution of independent variables able to explain the variable is only 35% and the rest is explained by factors outside the variable not examined by the author.
5. Conclusions and recommendations In companies that implement good and adequate information systems will support to the completeness of information such as relevant information, timely, accurate and reliable information will certainly significantly support the improvement of corporate performance.
2. If the implementation of distribution channels done well on this company will help in the process and sales productivity so have a positive relationship with the performance of the company (but not statistically significant), it is suspected that the respondents see the implementation of distribution channels in this company is good enough so that respondents see that improvements to distribution channels are no longer of particular concern.
Recommendations Based on calculations that have been done by the author, should the company pay attention to management information systems and distribution channels together. So the company's performance will be improved. Because company performance will increase if management information system and distribution channel also increase. Conversely, if only the management information system is improved then the performance will also increase, but different things with distribution channels. If the distribution channel is improved then there is no effect on the performance of the company.