Higher History Scottish Paper How to answer the Scottish Paper
The Scottish Paper The second paper on exam day 1hr 30 minutes 36 marks Our topic – Migration & Empire 1830-1939 Four questions Evaluate the Usefulness (8 marks) Explain the reasons (8 marks) How much do the Sources reveal (differing interpretations Q) (10 marks) How Fully (10 marks)
Evaluate the Usefulness Question – 8 marks You will be given one written source with a blurb (above source) telling you about the source Usually a primary source (from the time of the event) You will be asked to ‘Evaluate the usefulness of source A as evidence of…’ and the topic will be a specific area of the course Mark allocation; Author, timing, type of source, purpose – 4 marks Source content – 2 marks Recalled knowledge – 3 marks
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Answer structure – origin & purpose – 4 marks The source is written by…. (author/who wrote it?) This makes it more useful/ less useful because… (explanation) The source is a…. (type of source/ what is it?) The source was written in …. (timing/ when?) The purpose of the source is to…. (why was it written? Try to tie in what historical context – what was going on at the time?)
Answer structure – source content – 2 marks The source tells us that… (pick out a detailed point from the source) This makes it more useful as it shows that… (add your own interpretation of the source point) The source also tells us that… (pick out another detailed point from the source)
Answer structure – content omission/recall – 3 marks The source fails to mention that… (add your own detailed knowledge here which must be relevant to the topic of the question) This omission makes the source less useful. The source also fails to mention that… (add your own detailed knowledge here which must be relevant to the topic of the question)
Source A was written by Historian Marjory Harper in the book Crossing borders: Scottish emigration to Canada (2006)
The source is written by…. (author/who wrote it?) This makes it more useful/ less useful because… (explanation) The source is a…. (type of source/ what is it?) The source was written in …. (timing/ when?) The purpose of the source is to…. (why was it written? Try to tie in what historical context – what was going on at the time?) The source tells us that… (pick out a detailed point from the source) This makes it more useful as it shows that… (add your own interpretation of the source point) The source also tells us that… (pick out another detailed point from the source) The source fails to mention that… (add your own detailed knowledge here which must be relevant to the topic of the question) This omission makes the source less useful. The source also fails to mention that… (add your own detailed knowledge here which must be relevant to the topic of the question)
Explain Question – 8 marks There is no source for this question The question will focus on an entire sub issue i.e. a broad topic You will be expected to provide 8 detailed explanations which are relevant to the question Each one should directly answer the question This is very similar to the N5 Explain question
EXPLAIN example 1 – CLASS PRACTICE Explain why many Scots emigrated from the Lowlands during the 1800s. (8 marks) EXPLAIN- TRY THIS ONE YOURSELF Explain why many Scots emigrated from the Highlands during the 1800s. (8 marks)
Answer structure 1. Make your point 2. Give example (s) 3 Answer structure 1. Make your point 2. Give example (s) 3. Explain (relate to the question) Structure help One factor which led to Scots emigrating from the Lowlands was… (state factor to discuss). For example, (give detailed example) This led to Scots leaving because… (explain fully in relation to question) Now Repeat 7 times with different knowledge/ explanation each time. EXPLAIN- TRY THIS ONE YOURSELF Explain why many Scots emigrated from the Highlands during the 1800s. (8 marks)
Specimen paper example
Answer structure Make your point Give example (s) Explain (relate to the question) Structure help One factor which led to immigrants having varied experiences was … (state factor to discuss). For example, (give detailed example) This led to a varied experience for immigrants because (explain fully in relation to question) Now Repeat 7 times with different knowledge/ explanation each time. Example One factor which led to immigrants having varied experiences was religion. For example, many Irish immigrants were Roman Catholic whereas the majority of Scots were Protestant. This led to a varied experience for immigrants because Protestant Irish immigrants tended to assimilate into Scottish society more easily whereas there was often a lot of hostility towards Irish Catholic immigrants especially from members of the Church of Scotland.
How much do the sources reveal… (differing interpretations) question – 10 marks There are two sources in this question Each will be on the same topic are however will differ in their viewpoints i.e. one positive, one negative view of Irish immigrants This is NOT a comparison question and approaching it as one will gain 0 marks You are expected to interpret the overall views of the sources and highlight key points from each You should also add your own knowledge on the question Points from the source – 6 marks Recall – 6 marks
Specimen paper example
Answer structure Part 1 – source points – 6 marks Source B and C reveal differing interpretations of… (use wording of the question). (process) Source B suggests that… (give a description of the overall view/ tone of the first source) Source B says… (quote a key relevant point from the source here) This suggests that… (show your interpretation here i.e. what does this point show us?) Repeat the last two stages for two more source points. On the other hand, Source C suggests that… (give a description of the overall view/ tone of the first source) Source C says… (quote a key relevant point from the source here)
Answer structure part 2 – recall points– 6 marks The sources do not mention that…. (these need to be detailed points and not merely identify areas of omission.) The sources do not mention financial industries. (no mark, no significant recall evident) The sources do not mention the contribution of Scots to financial industries in the new lands in which they settled. Many Scots emigrants founded banks and financial institutions overseas. (1 mark - recall) Repeat up to 6 times.
How Fully question – 10 marks You will be given one written source The question asks ‘How Fully does Source A describe…’ The question will focus on an entire issue i.e. one key area You must make a judgement on the source – no judgement incurs a 7 mark penalty, max 2 marks You cannot simply copy the source; paraphrasing only should be avoided Judgement – no mark but essential to access more than 2/10 Points from the source – 7marks Points from Recall – 6 marks
Specimen paper example
Answer structure – source points – 4 marks Source D quite fully explains/ describes… (use the wording of the question) Judgement sentence - Do this only once. Source D tells us that… (quote directly from the source one point you have highlighted. Use quotation marks. Do not shorten quote.) This shows that… (interpret in your own words. Be careful not to misinterpret!) Repeat this step up to four times.
Answer structure – recall points – 7 marks However, Source D omits a number of key points on the topic of… (use the wording of the question) Judgement sentence - Do this only once. Source D fails to mention that… (these need to be detailed points and not merely identify areas of omission.) Repeat this step up to seven times. The source fails to mention the contribution of Italian immigrants to Scotland. (no mark, no significant recall evident) The source fails to mention the contribution of Italian immigrants to Scotland. Italian Italian families settled in many towns on the coast such as Largs and in the main towns. The Nardini family developed what was to become the largest café in Britain. (1 mark - recall)