Office of Curriculum and Instruction April 24, 2019
2016-2021 Strategic Plan Goal 1: Ensuring Academic Achievement Ensure high academic standards to prepare all students for college and career. A: Personalize instruction using data to empower students and increase student achievement. B: Provide every student with aligned curriculum, instruction and assessment. C: Improve the quality and type of language acquisition supports and services for all English Language Learners. D: Improve the quality of services for students with disabilities. E: Provide multiple pathways that prepare students for both college and career.
2016-2021 T and L Plan 2021 PPSD Teaching and Learning Vision The Providence Public Schools’ community believes in its ability to empower ALL students to achieve their unlimited potential. We believe that students achieve best when their school communities: Hold ALL students to high standards and expectations. Put students at the center of their own learning. Meet student’s academic and social emotional needs. Ensure access to culturally and linguistically relevant learning experiences. Use data to analyze student progress and technology to assist with instruction.
Let’s Do Some Math Objective: Students will be able to self-regulate while working in pairs on function problem. Students will be able to utilize multiple methods to solve a complex function and provided a choice to explain their strategy.
Reflection of Learning What was the experience like for you as a learner? What about the experience you just had was personalized? What implications does this have for our practice as a district?
Reflection of Learning Review two questions from last year’s 8th grade math exam connected to this standard: Which one do you think students were more successful? Why? What surprises you in the data from all middle schools in the state? What implications does this have for student and educator learning?
Theory of Action: Coaching
Implications for Students Teams, Trust and Transparency
Implications for Educators Teams, Trust and Transparency
Implications for Leaders Teams, Trust and Transparency
Implications for Instructional Leadership Teams Teams, Trust and Transparency
Success: PPSD PLCs Have Grown 39/42 schools participating in (district initiated) Professional Learning Communities PLC participants: 2017: 176 2018: 236 24 PLCs
Success: National Recognition PPSD White Paper on Personalized Learning April , 2019 Providence Journal: Blended and Personalized Learning Conference Spotlight on Providence April 5, 2019 LearnLaunch Conference: Will the Digital Revolution Change the Way Schools are Organized? February 1, 2019 Ed Tech: Data Interoperability Loom Large as Districts Pursue Innovation and IT Savings January 8, 2019 Rethinking Ethnic Studies (Section 6: Organizing for and Sustaining Ethnic Studies - Ethnic Studies in Providence Schools) January 2019 Ed Week; Case Study - Giving Students More Personalized Choices Takes ‘Great Teaching’ November 6, 2018 Council of Great City Schools: Becoming a Learning Organization PPSD’s Journey October 2018 Getting Smart: Providence Public Schools: A Getting Smart Data Interoperability Case Study June 2018
Success: Increased Focus on Arts Teams, Trust and Transparency
Support Needed from You Let’s go back to your experience today as a learner, what supports do you think we need to be successful? What implication does this have for our collective work in Providence?