Sampling Variability Sampling Distributions Chapter 8 Sampling Variability Sampling Distributions Created by Kathy Fritz
You can compute this proportion because the picture provides complete information on gender for the entire population (a census).
that neither of these proportions equal the population proportion. But, suppose that the population information is not available. To learn about the proportion of women in the population, you decide to select a sample from the population by choosing 5 students at random. Notice that the proportions from the two different samples are NOT the same AND that neither of these proportions equal the population proportion. In this chapter, you will learn about how the value of the sample proportion varies from sample to sample (sampling variability) AND about the long-run behavior of sample proportions (the sampling distribution).
Statistics and Sampling Variability
Statistic A number computed from the values in a sample is called a statistic. The observed value of a statistic varies from sample to sample depending on the particular sample selected. This variability is called sampling variability. Recall the notation for population characteristics Statistics, such as m the sample median the sample standard deviation s s p
Consider a small population consisting of 100 Consider a small population consisting of 100 students in an introductory psychology course. Students in the class completed a survey on academic procrastination. Suppose that on the basis of their responses, 40% of the students were identified as severe procrastinators. Let’s investigate what happens if random samples of size 20 are selected from this population. To do this, write the numbers 1 to 100 on slips of paper, where 1 – 40 represent students who are severe procrastinators. Mix the slips well, then select 20 slips without replacement.
Looking at some additional samples will provide some insight. This value is 0.05 larger than the population proportion of 0.40. Is this difference typical, or is this particular sample proportion unusually far away from p? Looking at some additional samples will provide some insight. 78 16 31 86 5 67 39 28 97 70 34 65 47 89 26 79 52 4 82 6
Let’s look at a histogram of these sample proportions. It is difficult to see, by looking at this table, if a sample proportion of 0.45 is typical or unusual. Let’s look at a histogram of these sample proportions. Severe procrastinators Continued . . . Let’s look at 50 samples of size 5. Sample 1 0.45 11 21 0.25 31 0.30 41 2 12 0.50 22 32 0.55 42 3 0.35 13 0.20 23 0.40 33 43 4 14 24 34 44 5 15 25 35 45 6 16 040 26 035 36 0.65 46 7 17 27 37 47 8 18 28 38 48 9 19 29 39 49 10 20 30 40 50
Sampling Distribution The distribution formed by the values of a sample statistic for every possible different sample of a given size is called its sampling distribution.
Sampling Distribution of a Sample Proportion
In the fall of 2008, there were 18,516 students enrolled at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Of these students, 8091 (43.7%) were female. What would you expect to see for the sample proportion of females if you were to take a random sample of size 10 from this population? With success denoting a female student, the proportion of successes in this population is p = 0.437. Using a statistical software package, we will generate 500 samples of size 10 and compute the proportion of females for each sample.
This tells you that a sample of size 10 from this population of students may not provide very accurate information about the proportion of women in the population.
California Polytechnic State University Continued . . . We will generate 500 samples of each of the following sample sizes: n = 10, n = 25, n = 50, n = 100 and compute the proportion of females for each sample. The following histograms display the distributions of the sample proportions for the 500 samples of each sample size. Compare the center, spread, and shape of these histograms.
What do you notice about the shape of these distributions? Are these histograms centered around the population proportion p = 0.437? What do you notice about the standard deviation of these distributions? What do you notice about the shape of these distributions?
This rule is exact if the population is infinite, and is approximately correct if the population is finite and no more than 10% of the population is included in the sample.
How Sampling Distributions Support Learning from Data
What role do sampling distributions play in learning about a population characteristic? In an estimation situation, you need to understand sampling variability to assess how close an estimate is likely to be to the actual value of the corresponding population characteristic. Sample data can also be used to evaluate whether or not a claim about a population is believable. There are two reasons why a sample statistic may not equal the value of the claim – Sampling variability 2. There really is a difference between the corresponding population characteristic and the claim value.
How accurate is this estimate likely to be? The population proportion who believe that extraterrestrials beings have visited Earth isn’t exactly 0.35. How accurate is this estimate likely to be?