OFFICE OF RESIDENTIAL CHILD CARE FY 2010 PERFORMANCE REPORT Submitted by: Keith D. Bostick, L.C.S.W., Director Department of Human Services Board Meeting August 18, 2010
Overview The Office regulates, license, monitors and renders enforcement actions unto Child Placing Agencies (CPA), Child Caring Institutions (CCI), Outdoor Child Caring Centers (OCCP), Maternity Homes (MH) and Children’s Transitional Care Centers (CTCC). These licensed facilities provide out-of-home residential child care that exceeds a 24-hour period. The Office of Residential Child Care receives authority from the Official Code of Georgia (O.C.G.A. 49-5-12)
ORCC License Types License Types 2007 2008 2009 2010 Child Caring Institutions (CCI) 315 300 292 258 Child Placing Agencies (CPA) 90 89 86 92 Children’s Transitional Care Centers (CTCC) *established in 2009 1 Outdoor Child Caring Programs (OCCP) 10 8 Maternity Homes (MH) *transitioned to ORCC in 2009 4 5
Number of Licensed Facilities . Georgia is experiencing a downward trend in licensed facilities. Possible causes: 1) more children placed in community settings, 2)inability to secure contracts, 3) economy/budget cuts.
Applications FY 2010 showed a 36% decline in applications. Possible causes: 1) more children placed in community settings, 2)inability to secure contracts, 3) economy / budget cuts.
Reported Incidents/Complaints FY 2010 showed a 6% increase in reports. 70% of reports were regarding CCI’s, 29% regarding CPA’s and 1% from all other license types.
Number of Citations and Harm Levels Citations and harm levels have decreased since FY 2008. Actual harm was substantiated in 4.1% of the total citations of 2008 and 3.4% in both 2009 – 2010. ORCC believes reductions are due to 1)increased surveillance, 2) “Early Intervention” activities, i.e. Interpretative Guidelines, 3) prioritization of rules, 4) surveyor consistency, 5) enforcement actions and 6) more dialogue with providers via office conferences and training.
FY 2010 saw a 37% increase in Enforcement Actions. Total Number of Enforcement Actions (Civil Penalty, Restricted License, Revocation, Other Sanctions) FY 2010 saw a 37% increase in Enforcement Actions.
Challenges / Opportunities Anticipated 2011 -2012 DHS State Budget Cuts Reductions and delays in “Early Intervention” activities which are designed to assist providers in safety and compliance domains Developing new funding stream for ORCC Review legislative support for mandated fees for licensed facilities Seek Private and/or other funding for projects focusing on areas of Child Safety in Residential Care Facilities ORCC continues to meet and support mandates of the Kenny A. Consent Decree Evaluate, update and / or propose changes that streamline and prioritize Rules and Regulations for all license types