Reviewing for the French Revolution Unit Test World History Reviewing for the French Revolution Unit Test
Who was Louis XVI? King of France during the time of the French Revolution Was a weak ruler Eventually publicly executed by the people of France
What are the Three Estates and who is in each class? First Estate - clergy Second Estate - nobility Third Estate - peasants
What were two causes for France’s economic troubles? Lavish spending by the royal family Costly wars Bad harvests *extra
Why was bread so important? The people of France were starving and even those who were employed had to spend 80% of what they had earned on bread alone.
What was the “Great Fear” Constant fear of attacks Rumors asserted that government troops were seizing peasant crops
When was the Storming of the Bastille? July 14th 1789
What did the Storming of the Bastille represent? The storming of the Bastille quickly became a symbol of the French Revolution, a blow to tyranny. Today, the French still celebrate July 14 as Bastille Day.
Who are the émigrés? Nobles, clergy and others who had fled France and its revolutionary forces. Émigrés reported attacks on their privileges, property, religion and even their lives.
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man? Modeled in part on the Declaration of independence written 13 years earlier. Reflected the ideas of Locke and many other philosophes of the Enlightenment
Why did the women of France march to Versailles? October 5th 1789 thousands of women streamed down the road that led from Paris to Versailles shouting “bread” Brought the royal family back to Paris. They moved into the Tuileries palace, for the next three years, Louis was a virtual prisoner BREAD!!
Who wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Women? Olympe de Gouges
What the Declaration of Pilnitz? Issued by Prussia and the emperor of Austria (Marie Antoinette’s brother) Protected the French monarchy.
What was the guillotine? The guillotine was so efficient that the executioner could execute more than one person per minute. Executions became so common in Paris that residents complained about the blood overflowing the city’s drainage ditches
What was the Reign of Terror? The Reign of Terror lasted from about July 1793 to July 1794. Execution of anyone thought to be against the Revolution or a royalist
Why did Madame Tussaud (wax museum) get to keep her head? She was imprisoned as a royalist, but kept her head because she promised to make wax models of the revolutionaries and their victims such as Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
Who was Maximillen Robespierre? Under the guidance of Maximilien Robespierre some 40,000 people were executed at the guillotine.
Who was Napoleon? 1769 Born on island of Corsica 1793 Helps capture Toulon from British; promoted to brigadier general 1795 Crushes rebels opposed to the National Convention 1798–1799 Loses to the British in Egypt and Syria 1799 Overthrows Directory and becomes First Consul of France 1804 Crowns himself emperor of France
What are two changes in France that occurred from 1789 to 1799? New symbols, such as the tricolor emerged. Titles were eliminated. Elaborate fashions were replaced by practical clothes. People developed a strong sense of national identity. Nationalism, a strong feeling of pride and devotion to one’s country, spread throughout France.