Peter Lowen, Alex Perry, Kevin Stewart, Pierce Dierker, Peter Dassoni Buy My Book Peter Lowen, Alex Perry, Kevin Stewart, Pierce Dierker, Peter Dassoni
Concept Website/ mobile app Online bidding platform Avoid hassle & shipping costs
The Big Idea Bookstore Online retailer
The Offering App Website Bidding platform Social media Iphone Android Website Bidding platform Social media Twitter Facebook Instagram Student ambassadors Promotional purposes
Example $100 textbook Bookstore offers $5 Other options require shipping Create a Buy My Book account Both buyer and seller benefit Designated safe place
Target Market Students aging from 14-25 years old Cheaper solution Parents for the high school kids Cheaper solution Bidding platform Less time consuming On campus transactions Extremely Sustainable If schools and universities exist, so do we
Infrastructure Web/app Developer Maintenance Partnerships with credit card processors Marketing funding
Financial Viability eBay revenue model Transaction fee’s Advertisements Low upkeep
Marketing Plan Our mission Marketing plan Biggest challenge Ultimate goal
Funding Strategy - 3 Options Crowdfunding Simple no strings attached way of raising money Need incentive for people to give money Venture Capitalist Assistance and advice from a professional investor Lose equity Loan Get exactly what we are looking for Debt on the company
Revenue stream Transaction Fees No listing fees Once app grows money will be made off of advertisements Ad Banners