A different look at Israel Photographed by: Gilad Benari GiladBenari.com Part 6 gilad.deviantart.com
Tel Aviv Dance Tel Aviv 2007 gilad.deviantart.com
The Thinking Tree Beer -Sheva, 2009 gilad.deviantart.com
Young Believers Bney Brak 2009 gilad.deviantart.com
Never forget your past Jaffa 2006 gilad.deviantart.com
Window of Opportunity Ramat Gan 2004 gilad.deviantart.com
Patriotism Ramat Gan, 2006 gilad.deviantart.com
Urban Flower Tel Aviv 2006 gilad.deviantart.com
The heart of the city Tel Aviv 2006 gilad.deviantart.com
Feeling Most Alive Zeelim, 2006 gilad.deviantart.com
I Can Still Remember Ramat Ha-golan 2006 gilad.deviantart.com
World of Imagination Palmachim 2007 gilad.deviantart.com
Catouflage Ramat Gan, 2006 gilad.deviantart.com
First in line Tel Aviv 2006 gilad.deviantart.com
A man A horse … An Israeli cowboy Ramat Ha-golan 2007 gilad.deviantart.com
Waiting for the Wind of Change Ramat Ha-golan 2007 gilad.deviantart.com
Reflections of how it use to Be Dead Sea 2007 gilad.deviantart.com
Free Fallin Acko 2006 gilad.deviantart.com
The sun going down on me Tel Aviv, 2006 gilad.deviantart.com
Mass Prayer at Western Wall Jerusalem, 2007 gilad.deviantart.com
Salam Jerusalem 2007 gilad.deviantart.com
The Holly Fire gilad.deviantart.com The Ethiopian Church - Deir Al-Sultan, Jerusalem 2009 gilad.deviantart.com
Moving Through The Lines Natbag 2000, Ben Gurion Airport 2007 gilad.deviantart.com
Checkmate with a Rook Jerusalem 2009 gilad.deviantart.com
A Kick To The Head Ramat Gan 2007 gilad.deviantart.com
A different look at Israel / Part 6 Photographed by: Gilad Benari GiladBenari@walla.com I want to thank everyone, for the massive support I got On A different part of Israel (part 1 & part 2 & part 3 & part 4 & part 5). You can download the first parts on GiladBenari.com If you are interested in buying prints of my work, Or seeing more of it, you are welcomed to my on-line store here Feel free to pass this “Different look at Israel”. People deserve to know how beautiful Israel really is. gilad.deviantart.com