World History Be Kind. Be Responsible. Be Successful. - - - - Course syllabus | 2018-2019- - - What you’ll need: Single Subject or Composition Book No. 2 pencils Blue or Black Pen Highlighters (optional) Folder Course & Contact Information LOCATION: Room 230 Mr. Carter 919-365-4306 Ext. 2562 Google Classroom Remind In this course you will, Learn note taking skills and how to summarize basic information Read, analyze, and discuss texts and document based resources Think and write from a historical perspective Look at history from world cultures going back to ancient times all the way up to present day How Will My Grade Be Determined? Final Exam Quizzes & Tests In Class Work Homework Smart Lunch Schedule Monday: Tutorials B Lunch Tuesday: Tutorials A Lunch Technology Other than for review related purposes, phones will be kept away Be Kind. Be Responsible. Be Successful. Classroom Expectations: Important Information Late Assignments All work not completed by the due date will be considered late and will be docked points for every day not turned in Missing Assignments It is the student’s responsibility to make up assignments at the discretion and teacher’s convenience. Students are allowed two days for make ups per one day of absence. Extra Credit Assignments Students are allowed 1 retest per quarter (2 in a semester). The average of the two tests will be taken. Any other extra credit opportunities come at the discretion of the teacher *Students should refer to the school website/calendar for important dates regarding progress reports and report cards *Unit Tests/Quizzes (Dates subject to change) Unit 1 9/5 Unit 2 9/17 Unit 3 9/27 Unit 4 10/8 Unit 5 10/18 Unit 6 10/29 Unit 7 11/13 Unit 8 11/20 Unit 9 12/7