CMPE400 – Summer Training Presentation Student ID: 000000 Student Name: Name Surname Training Period: (20 / 40) Start Date: dd/mm/yy - dd/mm/yy End Date: dd/mm/yy - dd/mm/yy
Contents Introduction Information About the Company Problem Definition Work Done Conclusion References (Optional) Q&A Approx. 30sec.
Introduction Duration for the presentation will be sharp 10 minutes. Do not use more than 15 slides since you have limited time. You should use your own template for your presentation slides. Approximate time for each section is given at the slides as Approx. X min. Be brief considering presentation duration. Approx. 1min.
Information About The Company Company Name: ................................. Address of Company: ...................... (only city and country must be inserted above) Department:…………………………… Number of employees in company: ....... Number of engineers in company: ........ Approx. 30sec.
Problem Definition Briefly describe the problems you worked on during summer training period. Identify the tasks assigned to you. Be clear while defining the main problem you have solved. Etc. Approx. 2 min.
Work Done -1- Briefly define the daily work and design studies in general. Briefly describe your solution to the main problem you have been assigned in the company Define if the task accomplished, partially accomplished or not accomplished. Approx. 3 min.
Work Done -2- Give required material as graphics, formulas briefly. Considering the presentation duration, you may use additional slides for “Work Done” section. If desired, attempted solutions may be presented in this section. Etc.
Work Done -3- .............................................
Conclusions What you have learned should be given clearly. Evaluate overall presentation and gained experiences. Etc. Approx. 1 min.
References This part is optional, it will be added if any references are shown in summer training report.
Q&A Period A number of questions will be expected to be answered by you during last 2 minutes of your presentation period. Approx. 2 min.