What kind of behavior is it? Rude v Mean v Bully v Kind
Rude Behaviors Defined as – Unintentionally saying or doing something that hurts someone else. Examples: Jumping ahead in line Bragging Good intentions that hurt The main difference between being RUDE and being MEAN is Intent
Mean Behaviors Defined as – Purposefully saying or doing something to hurt some (once or maybe twice) Examples: Criticizing clothing/ appearance/ intelligence Saying something in anger towards someone
Bully Behaviors Defined as – Intentionally aggressive behavior repeated over time that involves an imbalance of power. Examples: Physical – hitting, kicking, tripping Verbal – Threats Social – Exclusion, rumors Cyber – Use of technology to carry out the above The main difference between being MEAN and BULLYING is INTENT, REPETITION & IMBALANCE OF POWER While some may not think their behaviors fall in this category, it’s the perception of the student we take into consideration!
Kind Behaviors Defined as –friendly, generous, or warm-hearted nature Examples: Say "please" and "thank you"—and really mean it. Help someone pick things up if they dropped something Hold the door for someone
How To Help Model EVERYTHING – words, actions, thoughts and reactions Be verbally explicit – explain from a point of fact, not a point of emotion Be human – explain why a behavior is upsetting (simple cause and effect) Make connections – duh Praise loudly, condemn quietly – we set the tone for others
Open the floor to discuss tough issues Build them up honestly – kids know when you mean what you say…your words and actions must be transparent and true.