ASS.Lec. Suad Turky Ali Lec -7- AL-Ma’moon University College Medical Laberatory techniques Department Clinical biochemistry / Second stage ASS.Lec. Suad Turky Ali Lec -7-
Glycogen metabolism
Glycogen metabolism: Glycogen synthesis is decreased, this is because of decreased activity of glycogen synthase due to insulin deficiency. Glycogen storage disease: A condition in which there is an increase in glycogen and decrease in glucose in blood,this is due to deficiency of the enzyme responsible for the glycogenolysis so glycogen accumulated in the liver, kidney,heart,muscle,
Treatment:take frequent meals to maintain plasma glucose level and prevent accumulation of glycogen. Lactic acidosis: It is caused by the accumulation of lactic acid which occurs due to overproduction or under utilization of lactic acid.lactic acidosis may be seen in diabetic patients treated with hypoglycemic drugs such as biguanides and phenphormin. These drugs inhibits gluconeogenesis and TCA.
Lactose intolerance: The inability to digest the disacchride lactose due to deficiency of the enzyme beta-galactosidase or lactase. Lactose also kno wn milk sugar. Galatose with glucose are disaccharide. Increasing in galactose concentration in the blood results in a higher galactose concentration in the lens of the eye, where the sugar is reduced to galactitol, the presence of this sugar alcohol in the lens eventually causes formation cataract(cloudy of the lens).(( ماء العين
Galactosemia: Is a genetic disease charactarized by the in ability to convert galactose to glucose………death from liver damage . Causes:a deficiency of enzyme -1-phosphate uridyl transferase. fructose,galactose, and mannose prominent metabolic fuels. After digestion these monosaccharides enter the blood stream which carriers them to various tissues. Fructose ,galactose, and mannose are converted to glycolytic intermediates that are then metabolized by the glycolytic pathway.,in muscle only one enzyme, while in liver seven enzymes.
الفركتوز رخيص جدا موجود في عصيرالذره اكثر من السكروز زيادة استخدامه تؤدي الى زيادة الدهون وكذلك السمنه لانه لايتحول طاقه فيحدث LEVER DAMAGE……SEVER……..HYPOGLYCEMIA. Glucosuria: is glucose in urine, does not always means that the person in diabetic, glucose appears in urine when its concentration exceed 180mg per 100 mil.this value is called Renal Threshold for glucose.
Renal Threshold: is a maximum concentration of glucose in blood above which is appearing in urine. Kidney:the kidney has several important functions to body's maintenance of stable internal environment: 1. Filteration of blood plasma:which results in excretion of water-soluble waste products ( urea, and certain foreign compounds ). 2. Reabsorption of electrolytes,sugars, and amino acids from the filtrate. 3. The regulation of blood PH. 4. The regulation of the body's water content.
HORMONES: 1.INSULIN HORMONE: PROMOTES glycogenesis and( lipogenesis that means formation of fat from carbohydrates) with a resultant decrease in glucose levels .insulin hormone produced by beta cells of langerhans in the pancreas.insulin is to increase permeability of cells to glucose. Hyperglycemia: is a condition of increasing blood glucose level Causes of hyperglycemia: 1. Relative deficiency of insulin. 2. Absolute deficiency of insulin. 3. Defect of the action of insulin. 4. Increase in hormones that increase blood glucose level.
Hypoglycemia: 1. is a condition of decreasing blood glucose level. 2. Glucagon hormone: secreted by the alpha cells of langerhans of pancreas, it raises the blood glucose level, stimulates glycogenolysis , also enhance gluconeogenesis (glucose from noncarbohydrates sources) like amino acids and lactate, fatty acids, glycerol. 3. Growth hormone; secreted by pituitary gland, raise blood glucoe level. 4. Hydrocortisone hormone; secreted by adrenal gland cortex, raise blood glucose level, stimulates glycogenolysis. 5. Epinephrine hormone; secreted by adrenal medulla, raise blood glucose level, stimulates glycogenolysis. 6. Thyroxine hormone:secreted by thyroid gland.raises blood glucose level.stimulates glycogenolysis.