Unity Game Development UI, XML, Localization, Scene Load & Build .exe
Class overview Class 7 Revision Main Menu Button OnClicked Logic XML Data Localization Data Localization Code Building .exe Loading scenes & Quitting Advanced: UI selection Advanced: Options menu
Revision Project Settings - Input Setting up Keyboard & Xbox Controller Input Creating 2 Players Shooting a Fireball Particle Emitter Events & Delegates
Main Menu Create Scene Add Canvas Add 4x Text Add 3x Button Setup anchor alignment Setup Hover & Select Color Setup font Implement OnClicked code
Button onclicked Logic OnClicked can call functions on any object
XML Data XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. XML is a markup language much like HTML. XML was designed to store and transport data. XML was designed to be self-descriptive. XML is a W3C Recommendation.
Localization data Localization refers to the adaptation of a product, application or document content to meet the language, cultural and other requirements of a specific target market (a locale).
Localization code Create LocalizationManager Singleton Create enum of available Languages Load Localization files from Resources Folder Create Dictionary of Key and Value from XML Retrieve Localized string from Data
Building .exe File > Build Settings… Setup Scenes in “Scenes in Build” Open each scene and click “Add Open Scenes” Select Build and choose Build Folder Location
Loading Scenes & Quitting Use SceneManager to Load Scenes Application.Quit() to shutdown game
Advanced: UI selection Implement Controller & Keyboard keys support Add cooldown & keep track of selection Base Index Max on amount of Buttons in Menu Clamp Index values so Buttons are valid Call “Select” on Selected Button Set cooldown between each selection update
Advanced: Options Menu Add UIManager Singleton Add every UI State to UIManager Create new GameObject called OptionsMenu Populate with UI text & button entries
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