System 57 Gas Control System Service Training Program (part 2)
System 57 (5701, 5704) The System 57 is a fully programmable system Card swapping is only recommended with factory pre-configured Control Cards using EIS software (Engineering Interface Software) for cloning the card to be replaced Relay cards can be changed out without programming, as long as, the same style card is used
5701 Input Modules & Link Settings Each style of Transmitter has their own Link settings - (refer to the “5701 Control System” manual under Chap. 4 “Installation Instructions) The Links are located on the 4-20mA Sensor Drive Module (4-20mA input)(Part # 05701-A-0283) 4-20mA input (violet Control Card face) Direct Sensor Input Module is used only with Catalytic style sensors (mV input)(Part # 05701-A-0284) Catalytic input (gray/blue Control Card face)
5701 Input Modules & Link Settings (cont...) 4-20mA Input module unplugs by simply removing the control card from the rack and pulling straight and change the Links accordingly. Re-installing CAUTION: The modules are NOT keyed. Be sure to re-install pin1 to pin 1.
5701 Input Modules & Link Settings (cont...) Catalytic Input Module has no jumper settings. Re-installing CAUTION: The modules are NOT keyed. Be sure to re-install pin1 to pin 1.
5701 Relay Card Types and Connections There are 4 types of relay cards available Field Interface No relay contacts Double SPCO 3 relays contacts Triple SPCO 5 relay contacts Triple DPCO 8 relay contacts These relay contacts are software fixed for event
5701 Relay Card Types and Connections (cont...)
5701 Relay Card Types and Connections (cont...)
5701 Sensor/Transmitter Connections Note: Follow the installation instructions for the appropriate Link settings
5704 Control Cards Unlike the 5701 cards, the 5704 cards cannot be re-configured for the different input types 4 channel cards Catalytic input (gray/blue face) 4-20mA input (violet face)
5704 Relay Card Types and Connections There are 2 types of relay cards available Quad Relay Card 4 programmable SPCO relays Quad Relay with Expansion Card 16 programmable relays 12 SPCO contacts 4 SPST contacts 2 slots in rack required NOTE: Do Not use the default relay assignments. These relays are shipped in different configurations, including the factory default compared to the manual.
5704 Relay Card Types and Connections (cont...)
and Connections (cont...) 5704 Relay Card Types and Connections (cont...)
5704 Sensor/Transmitter Connections Note: Follow the installation instructions. Note: This connection must be made as shown. Including the “0V” connection from the power supply to any one of the “NS” terminals.
Power Connections NOTE: Always calculate power draw of Transmitters and Control Cards when staging or expanding systems (see page 4-8 of 5704 manual or page 4-10 of the 5701 manual). (Page numbers may vary depending manual revision)
4-20mA Output 5701 Each card has the option of having a 4-20mA output There is only 1 type available The wiring dictates Sink/Source configuration When using this option always refer to the manual for the appropriate configuration Software programming is required to instruct the card of the feature 5704 Each channel on the card has the option of having a 4-20mA output There are 2 types available Current Source Current Sink When using this option always refer to the manual for the appropriate configuration Software programming is required to instruct the card of the feature
Troubleshooting Control Card Fault Codes The Fault codes run from 74 through 99 (Consult manual for meanings & corrective actions)
Troubleshooting (cont…) Engineering Card Fault Codes As the Engineering card only has LED’s The faults reported are by flashing them accordingly (Consult manual for meanings & corrective actions)
Troubleshooting (cont…) 4-20mA Input card Insert Engineering Key Select card (5704 select channel) Press the “Signal” key on the Engineering card The control card will display This reading is the live 4-20mA’s being received at the card If the reading is “0.0mA”, then remove the “01” line and measure between Source configuration - “01” and “NS” Sink configuration - “01” and “S”
Troubleshooting (cont…) Catalytic Input card Insert Engineering Key Select card (5704 select channel) Press the “Signal” key on the Engineering card The control card will display This reading will be around zero and will very from point to point, under a no gas condition If the reading is displaying +/-999.9, then remove the sensor and perform a resistive check (705 series) Blue to White = approximately 3.5 ohms Brown to White = approximately 3.5 ohms These two readings must match
Calibration Insert Engineering Key Select card Push the “Zero” button on the Engineering card The card will automatically “Inhibit” itself Apply Zero Wait for display to stabilize (indicating “- - - -”) Press the Check mark “ ” Press the “Span” key The display will show “50”, this is the concentration to be applied Use the up ( ) and/or down ( ) arrows to select the concentration being applied
Calibration (cont...) Apply gas to sensor Wait for display to stabilize (indicating “- - - -”) and add 45 seconds Press “ “ Remove gas and wait 1 minute (or until readings on display drops to zero) Press “Inhibit” button The card has now been calibrated and back in operation Note: When possible using a forced mA output (Digi-series transmitter) is preferred.
Calibration (cont...) Calibration for NEW catalytic sensors only (Direct sensor input only) Perform the steps previously mentioned except: Instead of using the “Span” button you will now use the “1st Span” button This sets a flag enabling the control card to monitor the degradation of the sensor between calibration
Alarm Set Points Using the Engineering card Insert Engineering key Select card Select channel (5704 only) Press “Alarm” button until A1 appears use Up and down arrows to achieve alarm trip point Press the “ ” (note: this will set the value and exit) Press “Alarm” button until A2 appears (continue using steps 5 and 7 for the remaining settings) There are 2 ways of setting alarm points Using the EIS software Using the Engineering card Using the EIS software (to be discussed later)
Alarm Set Points (cont…) Caution: After you complete the previous steps (after pressing “Alarm” button 6 times) you will see “TEST” appear on the display If you choose to skip this, then simply remove the Engineering Key If you choose to test the alarms (setting off the alarms), then: Press the “Inhibit” button Use the Up and Down arrows for the different levels When completed remove Engineering key and re-install Press “Inhibit” button Remove Engineering key and you are back online
Engineering Interface Software (EIS) (To be continued... by using the actual software)