Chapter 9: The Urinary System Professor Fowler Medical Terminology Chapter 9: The Urinary System Professor Fowler
Word Parts to know – ch 9 Cyst/o: bladder Glycos/o: sugar (glucose) Lith/o: stone Nephr/o: kidney Noct/i: night Olig/o: few, scanty Ren/o: kidney Ur/o, urin/o: urine -lithiasis: condition of stones -ptosis: drooping (sagging) -uria: condition of urine
Vocabulary Calculus: stones made of calcium Catheter: flexible tube Diuresis: increased urine production Frequency: urination often Hesitancy: pause before urination Micturition: urination Stricture: narrowing Urgency: urge to urinate now Urinary incontinence: inability to hold urine Urinary retention: urine in bladder after void Voiding: urination
Abbreviations ARF: acute renal failure BUN: blood urea nitrogen Cath: catheter (flexible tube) CL- : chloride ESRD: end stage renal disease H2O: water I&O: intake and output K+ : potassium KUB: kidneys, ureters, bladder mL: milliliter Na+ : sodium UA: urinalysis UTI: urinary tract infection
The Urinary System Also referred to as Genitourinary system Purposes filter and remove waste products from the blood Uremia: excess waste products in the blood Hematuria: blood in the urine Nephron: functional unit of kidney Consists of 2 kidneys, 2 ureters, 1 bladder, and 1 urethra
The Kidneys Lumbar region of back (retroperitoneal) Shaped like a kidney bean Hilium: area of concave (everything enters and leaves from this area) Cortex: outer portion (protection) Medulla: inner portion (filtering)
Ureters Tube from kidneys to bladder 10-12 inches long
Urinary bladder Elastic muscular sac Rugae Stores urine until released through urination Average holds 250 mL Sphincters Internal external
Urethra Tube that carries urine from bladder to outside world Urinary meatus: opening to outside 1 ½ inches long in females Average 8 inches long in males (functions for urinary and reproductive system)
Urine Normally straw colored to clear 95% water Other 5% is dissolved substances (wastes) Urinalysis
Combining Forms Match Up cyst/o glycos/o lith/o nephr/o olig/o sugar stone kidney scanty bladder