Complaining Murmuring is unsettling talk by unsettled people Matt. 20:11, Luke 5:30, John 6; 7:12,32 Often behind someone’s back Luke 5:30 Acts 6:1 a potentially explosive situation 1 Cor. 10:10 one of Israel’s habits Num. 11:1 Displeasing to God who hears everything Phil. 2:14-15 do all things without complaining or arguing 1 Peter 4:9 resentful hospitality How does this affect others?
Constructive Criticism Vs. Complaining Some complaints are legitimate Colossians 3:13 What to do? Forgive! Talk only to the person involved Matt. 18:15-17 Confronting sin and error? Focus on principles in God’s word 2 Sam. 12:7-10; 1 Kings 14:6-16 Is complaint from selfish motives? Is a solution offered? Micah 6:2, Hosea 4:1 legal term for God’s righteous complaint against sinners Rom. 3:23 God offers a solution Rom. 3:21-26; 2:4; 6:3-4