INFS 6225 Object Oriented Systems Analysis & Design Chapter 15: Installation & Operations
Installation Page 488 Activities needed to install the system & convert the organization to using it 3 Step Process (Lewin, 1947) 1. Unfreeze - remove users’ attachment to “As-Is” system 2. Move - migrate to new system (Migration Plan) Technical Migration Organizational Migration 3. Refreeze - make new system habitual with users
Conversion Page 489 3 Major Steps: Conversion Style 1. Install Hardware 2. Install Software 3. Convert Data Conversion Style Direct - new system instantly replaces old Parallel - new & old systems used simultaneously What are pros/cons of each conversion style?
Conversions (continued) Page 491 Conversion Location Pilot - one or more locs selected as test Phased - locs converted in phases Simultaneous - all locs converted at same time Conversion Modules Whole System - entire system installed at one time (most common) Modular - system modules installed one at a time
Selecting Conversion Strategy Page 493
Change Management Page 495 3 Roles: 1. Sponsor - wants change 2. Change Agent - leads change 3. Potential Adopter - target of change Ready Adopters (20% - 30%) Resistant Adopters (20% - 30%) Reluctant Adopters (40% - 60%) “All change is made by individuals, not organizations.”
Resistance to Change Page 496 People change when benefits of change outweigh costs Who determines benefits/costs? Are User’s benefits/costs sometimes in conflict with the Organization’s benefits/costs? Example?
Motivate Change Page 500 Management Policies Adoption Strategies SOPs - define how processes are performed (formal & informal) Measurements/Rewards Resource Allocation Adoption Strategies Informational convince users that change is for the better works best when benefits outweigh costs Political organizational power used to motivate (coerce?) users used best when costs outweigh benefits
Training Page 502 Providing skills needed to adopt change Most commonly overlooked part of process Training should focus on what user needs to do, not what system can do Approaches: Classroom - most common One-On-One CBT - training via CD or web (eLearning) What are pros/cons of each training technique?
Post-Implementation Activities Page 504 Goal is to institutionalize use of new system System Support On-line support (Help Desk) Level 1 - support staff with broad PC skills Level 2 - support staff who provide expert advice that is application-specific Support issues beyond Level 2 become Change Requests: Software bugs Enhancements/changes from users or management Integration changes (e.g., change to related system) Infrastructure changes (e.g., network change)
Project Assessment Page 508 Goal is to understand what was successful & what needs to be improved 2 Primary Parts: 1. Project Team Review - how project team carried out activities (what worked, what didn’t) 2. System Review - were proposed benefits of new system actually realized?