Harmonising the functions and services of EEA data centres Area Function Individual data centre content (Biodiversity) Existing tools, services, etc Data (service) Display of available data and download Species, sites, habitat types, Red lists, biogeographical zones, Corine biotopes Identify relevant keywords on EEA dataservice Data viewer Species, sites, habitats, habitat types EUNIS, Art 17 Map viewer Natura 2000, Art 17, EUNIS Indicators Indicators linked to the theme Species, sites, habitats, BAP SEBI, CSI Reporting Listing of obligations (ROD); Access to CDR Species, sites, habitats types Identify relevant keywords in ROD, CDR Web services Link to machine to machine data exchange e.g. through discomap Species, sites, habitat types Natura 2000 Links ETC, key partner URL’s, document libraries (CIRCA et.al.), Clearinghouses, other Data Centres Information exchange, BAP, SEBI EC-CHM BD/BISE, ETC-BD Explanation Allows each DC to provide some own story about status/plans etc. evt. logos of partnerships Thematic Simple link to stories/reports/assessments etc. Multimedia, publications, indicators, press releases DC for specialists Thematic page for wider audience