Kampala Climate Change Action Plan 2018-2023 Yakubu Aliyu Bununu Ronard Mukuye Janet Lumayag Roland Nassour UMTCC 2018 – June 29th, 2018
Introduction and Context Function: Uganda’s Capital City Total Area: 189 Km2 Population: 1.9 million people
2 kg/capita/day 3800 tons/day
Climate Change in Kampala The most critical climate changes in Kampala are increased/reduced precipitation and increasing temperature
Vulnerability to Climate Change in Kampala Estimated 1600 km of urban roads segments are highly vulnerable to flooding and extreme weather events. The climate change extremes have also affected health either directly or in transient. Malaria, dysentery and cholera epidemics are increasing. Cholera cases and frequency has increased in the last 8 to 10 years due to erratic rainfall contributing to slow onset floods in many towns. Infrastructure, housing and livelihoods are the most affected.
GHG Emission Profile of Kampala (by sector) Total GHG Emission (2012 base year) 313,320 tCO2e Solid Waste Disposal 133,385.06 tCO2e (43%) Waste Water Treatment 70,385.22 tCO2e (22%) Industrial Energy Use 40,898.94 tCO2e (13%) Residential Buildings 29,926.44 tCO2e (9%) Aviation 23,662.65 tCO2e (8%) Others 15,664.12 tCO2e (5%)
GHG Emission Profile of Kampala (by sector)
Adaptation Actions Improve Drainage Channels Urban Greening/Drought-Resistant Plants Early Warning Systems
Mitigation Actions 500 – 550 kw.h/ton Improvement of Efficiency of Solid Waste Collection, Transportation & Disposal Generate Energy from Solid Waste (Electricity, blending agents, etc.) 500 – 550 kw.h/ton Generate electricity from sewerage (Anaerobic digestion)
Flood-prone areas Landfill Waste water discharge Sewerage plants Greening
Timeline for Implementation (JULY 2018 – JAN 2019) Gantt Chart TASK JULY 2018 AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN 2019 FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE 1 Discuss Strategy 2 Carry out Surveys 3 Analyze Results 4 Develop Strategy 5 Develop Support for Strategy 6 Develop Action Plan 7 Obtain Approvals 8 Awareness Programme 9 Improve Alternative Routes 10 Implement Plan TASK JULY 2018 AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN 2019 FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE 1 Discuss Strategy 2 Carry out Surveys 3 Analyze Results 4 Develop Strategy 5 Develop Support for Strategy 6 Develop Action Plan 7 Obtain Approvals 8 Awareness Programme 9 Improve Alternative Routes 10 Implement Plan
Financial Resources for Implementation Improve Drainage Channels - Municipal IGR Urban Greening - Climate Fund Early Warning Systems - Climate Fund/Voluntarism Improvement of Efficiency of SWM - Private Sector Funds Generate Energy from SW - Private Sector Funds Generate electricity from sewerage - Private Sector Funds
Stakeholders Government – (KCCA & National Government) Municipal Development Forums International Development Organizations (Cities Alliance, UNHabitat, GIZ etc) Civil Society Organizations Media Private Sector
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