Chapter 14 Arithmetic Circuits (II): Multiplier Rev. 1.0 05/12/2003 EE141 Chapter 14 Arithmetic Circuits (II): Multiplier Rev. 1.0 05/12/2003 Rev. 2.0 06/05/2003 Rev. 2.1 06/12/2003
Binary Multiplication
Binary Multiplication
Array Multiplier
MxN Array Multiplier — Critical Path
Wallace-Tree Multiplier
Wallace-Tree Multiplier
Multipliers —Summary Identify Critical Paths Possible techniques for speed up: Multiplier Encoding (Booth encoding) Wallace Tree Multiplier Pipelining (multi-phase multiplication)
The Binary Shifter
The Barrel Shifter Area Dominated by Wiring
4x4 barrel shifter Widthbarrel ~ 2 pm M
Logarithmic Shifter
0-7 bit Logarithmic Shifter 3 2 1 Out3 Out2 Out1 Out0
Summary Datapath designs are fundamentals for high-speed DSP, Multimedia, Communication digital VLSI designs. Most adders, multipliers, division circuits are now available in Synopsys Designware under different area/speed constraint. For details, check “Advanced VLSI” notes, or “Computer Arithmetic” textbooks