doc.: IEEE 802.21-02/xxxr0 Subir Das sdas at appcomsci dot com Month 20xx doc.: IEEE 802.21-02/xxxr0 Joint Opening Plenary IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handover Services Session #56, May 2013 Big Island, Hawaii Subir Das sdas at appcomsci dot com Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG XXXX, His Company
Session Time and Location Month 20xx doc.: IEEE 802.21-02/xxxr0 Session Time and Location Monday (May 13, 2013) Tuesday (May 14, 2013) Wednesday (May 15, 2013) Thursday (May 16, 2013) AM-1 8:00-10:00a 802 joint wireless Opening Plenary (8:00-9:00a) 802.21d TG AM-2 10:30-12:30 OmniRAN ECSG Opening Session 802.21c TG 802.21.1 TG PM-1 1:30 – 3:30p 802.21 WG Opening Plenary OmniRAN (ECSG) 802.21c TG PM-2 4:00 – 6:00p 802.21m TG 802.21 WG Closing Plenary Eve 6:30 – 9:30p TBD Social Event (7:00- 9:00 pm) Default Location: Kona 2; OmniRAN ECSG: King’s 1 The WG has 22 voting members as of this meeting Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG XXXX, His Company
Objectives for the May Meeting Month 20xx doc.: IEEE 802.21-02/xxxr0 Objectives for the May Meeting Task Group Activities 802.21c: Single Radio Handovers Resolve WG LB6b Comments 802.21d : Group Management Developing Draft Specification 802.21m: Revision Project Discuss the issues and document structure 802.21.1: Media Independent Services Discuss the use cases and requirements Participate in OmniRAN ECSG Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG XXXX, His Company
Future Sessions – 2013 Plenary: 14-19, July 2013, Geneva, Switzerland Month 20xx doc.: IEEE 802.21-02/xxxr0 Future Sessions – 2013 Plenary: 14-19, July 2013, Geneva, Switzerland Co-located with all 802 groups Interim: 15-20, Nanjing Zhong Shan Hotel, September 2013, Nanjing , China Co-located with all 802 wireless groups Plenary: 10-15 Nov 2013, Hyatt Regency Reunion, Dallas, TX, USA Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG XXXX, His Company