A new web-based corpus management and analysis platform Analysis functionality Powerful query syntax with textual and graphical queries Wordlists, concordances and collocations Searchable manual corpus annotation Distribution statistics, showing the frequencies of query results relative to chosen parameters, including annotations http://clarino.uib.no/corpuscle Paul Meurer, Uni Research Computing, Bergen, Norway, paul.meurer@uni.no Corpus management Support for hierarchically structured data, parallel corpora and multimedia data (audio, video, images aligned with text) Handling of large corpora (> 2 billion tokens) CLARIN integration, harvestable metadata, persistent identifiers so corpora are sustained and can be easily found Federated login (EduGAIN, OpenIdP) with fine-grained authorization Query Corpus Metadata and Overview Basic search Advanced search Design advanced query with graphical tool Concordance Distribution Collocations Annotation ICAME has been distributing corpora since 1979. This will now continue using Corpuscle: ICAME resources are being made available for on-line analysis, and for download. The further development of Corpuscle and the ongoing integration of ICAME resources have been made possible through CLARINO – the Norwegian part of CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure).