Special Agents Monika Borsy & Carlos Berroya Hello. I am Special Agent Monika Borsy. And this is my colleague Special Agent Carlos Berroya. We are with the Federal Aviation Administration’s Hazardous Materials Branch. Today, we’ll talk about FAA regulations and how they apply to you as passengers on commercial flights. Presenters : Special Agents Monika Borsy & Carlos Berroya
FAA Hazardous Materials Program In 1997 the Dangerous Goods/Cargo Security Program was established as a result of ValuJet Airlines Flight 592 crash into the Florida Everglades caused by the actuation of improperly prepared unexpended oxygen generators. In November 2002, the FAA reenergized its Hazardous Materials Program after the Department of Transportation split responsibility for the oversight of cargo security from hazardous material, with cargo security becoming the purview of the Department of Homeland Security and hazardous materials returning to the FAA from the Transportation Security Administration. As a result of this change in responsibility, the FAA is focused solely on the safe transportation of hazardous materials by air. You may recall how the FAA’s Hazardous Materials Program came about: On May 11, 1996, a ValueJet aircraft crashed into the Florida Everglades, engulfed in flames, killing all 110 passengers and crewmembers on board. The sad truth is that these people were killed by Ignorance! The crash was caused by improperly prepared and loaded oxygen generators, which caused a devastating fire. The employee from the handling company just did not know how dangerous these generators could be. This tragedy led to the establishment of the FAA Hazardous Materials Program, which focused on the safe transportation of hazardous materials by air, as well as Cargo Security. After September 11, 2001 the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration was created, with the main focus on Cargo SECURITY. In November 2002, after several accidents due to undeclared, or improperly prepared Hazardous Materials, the FAA reenergized its Hazardous Materials Program, by returning it to the FAA, while Cargo Security remained with the Department of Homeland Security. This allowed the FAA to focus solely on the safe transportation of hazardous materials by air.
Program Priorities Prevent fatalities resulting from improperly shipped Hazardous Materials in U.S. air commerce by: Conducting assessments of Air Carriers, Shippers, and Repair Stations Responding to incidents, accidents and discrepancy reports Implementing aggressive outreach and education programs to create awareness and ensure compliance with the hazardous material regulations Gathering and analyzing data to identify and combat dangerous trends before they become a problem What are the hazmat program priorities? Prevent fatalities resulting from improperly shipped Hazardous Materials by: Conducting assessments or inspections Responding to accidents, incidents and discrepancies. Implementing aggressive outreach and education programs. Gathering and analyzing data to identify and combat dangerous trends before they become a problem.
Here is a graphic example of the results of undeclared dangerous goods Here is a graphic example of the results of undeclared dangerous goods. Thankfully there were no human casualties. The crew was able to get out, and had to run for their lives. FEDEX lost an aircraft, and its cargo load. Yes, and of course there were many disappointed customers, who didn’t get their packages. (change slide)
In the aftermath of any air accident or incident, the FAA determines if any rules and regulations need to be adjusted, to prevent any future occurrences, so as to make all of us safer, when we fly.
Hazardous Material Regulations 49 Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR) These are the regulations we enforce. They are called 49 Code of Federal Regulations or 49 CFR
Air Carrier Discrepancy Reporting 49 CFR 175.31 Carriers must report undeclared hazmat in cargo or passenger checked baggage. This still applies even if TSA discovers the hazmat during screening of checked bag. How does the FAA finds out about Undeclared Dangerous Goods in passenger baggage?: Under 49 CFR 175.31 the Airline must report undeclared hazmat found in cargo or in passengers checked baggage to the FAA This applies even if the TSA discovers the hazmat during screening of your checked baggage.
Passenger Hazardous Materials Exceptions (49 CFR, 175.10) Passengers & crew can only carry certain personal-use hazardous materials such as medicinal and toilet articles See http://ash.faa.gov for details on what can and cannot be carried in baggage and in the aircraft cabin Passengers can receive warnings or stiff fines from the FAA—something that is becoming more common as airport screeners find more hazmat in baggage. As a general rule, the Federal Regulations prohibit passengers and crewmembers from carrying any hazardous materials aboard an aircraft. However, this regulation (175.10) allows passengers and crewmembers to carry some hazardous materials for personal use, such as Medicinal and toiletry articles. To make this easier to remember, look at it this way: if you use these items internally, like food or medicine, or on yourself, like cologne or hairspray, in limited quantities, it’s most like covered by the exception. If you are not sure, you can check the FAA website, or call your Airline. Let me stress, that for your and your fellow passengers safety, these exceptions are kept to the bare minimum,.
Examples of Toiletry Articles Here are some obvious Examples of toiletry articles. The regulation limits each container to a maximum of: 16 fl ounces by volume 18 ounces by mass So please, no economy size of these items
Not an example of toiletry articles These items are NOT toiletry articles. They are not covered by the Passenger Hazardous Materials Exceptions, and CANNOT be taken aboard in checked baggage or carry-on. By the way, many airline terminals have Dangerous Goods Kiosks in their lobbies, where they display some of the more common items taken from passenger baggage by the TSA during baggage screening.
Passenger Hazardous Materials Exceptions (continued) Safety matches or a lighter intended for personal use by an individual may be carried on one’s person. However, “strike anywhere” matches, lighters containing unabsorbed liquid fuel (other than liquefied gas), lighter fuel, and lighter refills are forbidden. Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice) may be carried in quantities not exceeding 4.4 pounds, when used to pack perishables in carry-on baggage provided the package permits the release of carbon dioxide gas. Matches, even Safety matches and Lighters are NEVER allowed in CHECKED baggage. Unfortunately, we found that out the hard way, after many incidents and near tragedies involving these items. The FAA and now also the TSA allows a lighter and a book of safety matches, if carried on one’s person or in CARRY-ON baggage. (Explain why carry-on baggage) It is important to note that “Strike Anywhere Matches” are NEVER allowed. In fact, they are FORBIDDEN onboard the aircraft. Also, Dry ice up to 4.4 pounds, that is 2kg, can be taken on board to cool your perishables, but you want to insure that the package is vented, to let the carbon dioxide gas escape. If you were to put dry ice in a tightly capped thermos bottle, you run the risk of an explosion. Larger quantities could pose a problem because of the carbon dioxide gas.
Passenger Hazardous Materials Exceptions (continued) Perfumes and colognes, purchased through duty-free sales, may be carried in checked or carry-on baggage. Alcoholic beverages with less than 24% alcohol by volume can be carried in checked or carry-on baggage. Alcoholic beverages with more than 24% and not more than 70% alcohol by volume in retail packages not exceeding 5 liters, with a total net quantity per person of 5 liters, can be carried in checked or carry-on baggage. With the recent changes in TSA rules, you can again buy liquids, after you went through the security check-points. So duty-free purchases in the sterile area are again allowed. However, remember that there are still hazardous materials restrictions for alcoholic beverages with more than 70% alcohol by volume (140 proof). They are not permitted on board the aircraft in carry-on or checked baggage.
Prohibited Items Here are some examples of prohibited items: You would be surprised to hear what passengers want to bring aboard the plane. From chain saws filled with gasoline to fire works, to highly caustic materials, to flammable paints and sprays. Most of the time these items are caught before they get on board the air craft. Sometimes they are not, which can endanger all of us.
Luggage Explosion In Boston, a suitcase exploded as it arrived at the bottom of a conveyor belt after check-in. No injuries This is one example of improperly packed hazmat in baggage: A suitcase exploded as it arrived at the bottom of a conveyor belt after check-in. Fortunately it happened before the bag was loaded onto the aircraft. No one was injured. The cause of the explosion was an aerosol can, that was damaged inside the bag.
Luggage Explosion O’Hare Airport, Chicago. Small travel bag exploded. This is a similar situation.
Cause? A damaged hairspray can (flammable aerosol) was found in the luggage. Static discharge from the luggage conveyor belt was the suspected ignition source. Although hair spray is covered by the passenger exceptions, if the can or the nozzle are damaged, they could still start a fire or cause an explosion. They are, after all hazardous materials, and behave very differently when exposed to the rigors of air travel.
Battery “Bewareness” We discussed how the FAA adjusts its rules after investigating accidents or incidents. Here is a prime example . After 33 battery incidents on commercial aircraft in just the last 2 years the FAA took decisive action to prevent any further occurrences by tightening the rules for batteries carried onboard by passengers. As a result, effective January 8, 2008 lithium batteries may no longer be carried in checked baggage. Fires can potentially erupt from lithium batteries in-use and carried onboard aircraft By Terry Pearsall
SafeTravel.dot.gov What does that mean ? -Leave batteries in the equipment – that is the safest place. -Always carry your laptop, cell phone, or other electronic device with you. -Pack spare batteries in carry-on baggage, NOT the baggage you check at the counter. -Keep spare batteries in the packaging they came in. And finally: -Secure the contacts on loose batteries by either placing tape across the battery’s metal part or – my personal favorite, place each battery into its own plastic baggy. You can check out battery safety travel tips by visiting the website shown on this slide: SafeTravel.dot.gov SafeTravel.dot.gov
Notification to Passengers Federal law forbids the carriage of hazardous materials aboard aircraft in your luggage or on your person. A violation can result in five years' imprisonment and penalties of $250,000 or more (49 U.S.C. 5124). Hazardous materials include explosives, compressed gases, flammable liquids and solids, oxidizers, poisons, corrosives and radioactive materials. Examples: Paints, lighter fluid, fireworks, tear gases, oxygen bottles, and radio-pharmaceuticals. There are special exceptions for small quantities (up to 70 ounces total) of medicinal and toilet articles carried in your luggage and certain smoking materials carried on your person. For further information contact your airline representative. I don’t know how many of you have carefully read this sign, which must be posted at each check-in and boarding area at the airport. It notifies the passenger that federal law forbids the carriage of hazardous materials aboard aircraft in your luggage or on your person. As you see, the consequences for serious violators can be severe. That is not a violation that you want to get. And hopefully, with what you learned today, you will never run this risk.
Resources FAA Hazardous Materials http://ash.faa.gov/Hazmat.asp PHMSA Office of Hazardous Materials http://SafeTravel.dot.gov As we end this presentation, let us share some helpful websites with you. The first one will lead you to the site “Hazardous Materials Carried by Passengers and Crewmembers” The second one gives you information for safe travel with electronic devices and batteries. All this information is also noted in the material in your FAA bag. Thank you for your attention and have a SAFE flight.