Juraj Chovanec Daniel Fecko, 1.C Šariš castle Juraj Chovanec Daniel Fecko, 1.C
General information One of the largest and oldest Slovak castles Only ruins remaining Volunteers are reconstructing it Popular destination for trips Protected area
The inner castle with a donjon
Protected area under the castle
Location Čergov Mountains in the background Middle of the Šariš region, 6-7 km north of Prešov Andesite hill, former volcano Overlooks the Torysa valley Čergov Mountains in the background
From the south
History Permanently settled since the Neolitic Built in the 13th century Former administrative center of Šariš county Destroyed by fire in 1687 Property of Charles Robert, Matthias Corvinus, Omodej and Rákoci families etc.
Castle at present Volunteers led by Martin Sarossy are repairing the castle. Goats take care about the lawns.
They also organize social events – balls, feasts and battle reenactments.
← King Karol Róbert
The end
The happyend