Stress and Effects on the Body Psychology Stress and Effects on the Body 7/6/2019
Bellwork: Scenario You are up to bat in a game that determines whether or not your team goes to the state playoffs. You have struck out three times today. Your team is down by one run and there are 2 outs with runners on second and third base. As a senior in school, this could be your last at bat in high school. The crowd is pumped up; screaming for a hit… Property of CTE Joint Venture 7/6/2019
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Think-Pair-Share How do you feel? What things are going through your mind? How is your body reacting? Be prepared to share with the class. 3. Think-pair-share teacher presents a question teacher gives wait time for student to form answer teacher instructs students to share their answer with a partner teacher calls on non-volunteers to share with the class PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 3
Objectives Identify the physical responses to stress Identify risk factors that are associated with increased level of stress and methods to reduce stress Property of CTE Joint Venture 7/6/2019
Terminology Stress – Non-specific response of body to demands placed on it Homeostasis – Normal operating Bruxism – Teeth grinding Property of CTE Joint Venture 7/6/2019
Stress Rate of wear and tear on the body Non-specific response of body to demands placed on it Change from homeostasis (normal operating level) Stressors can be either positive or negative Property of CTE Joint Venture 7/6/2019
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Pass or Play! List examples of positive stressors and negative stressors. 2. Whiteboards/Slates student writes answer or solution to a question posed by the teacher teacher solicits all students to show at the same time teacher gives feedback to the students PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
Positive Stressors Happiness (good grades, good home life, quality friends/relationships, making good choices) Things that change your physiology for the better Adrenaline rushes, “runner’s high,” etc. Brought on by different things for different people What are your positive stressors?
Negative Stressors Events, traumas in life that bring on more negative reactions of the body Hyperventilation High blood pressure/heart rate Increased awareness Anxiety Mostly these events happen beyond our control, causing an equal reaction. Is our reaction to stress out of our control? These will change throughout the phases of development, as we adapt to what life throws at us Scared of the dark vs. scared of going into debt, etc.
General Adaptation Syndrome (Hans Selye) Alarm Stage (Fright or Flight) Body begins to deal with stress Body releases adrenaline Dilated pupils Increased hearing Increased heart rate Increased stroke volume Increased body temperature Increased muscle response 7/6/2019
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Three examples of Alarm Response situations. 2. Whiteboards/Slates student writes answer or solution to a question posed by the teacher teacher solicits all students to show at the same time teacher gives feedback to the students PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
General Adaptation Syndrome Resistance Stage Leads to fatigue Body is fighting to prevent stressor Body must learn to deal with stressor or will begin to break down Exhaustion Body begins to break down Illness or disease Injury occurs Mental issues Death 7/6/2019
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 List some examples of injuries or illnesses that could be associated with elevated stress levels. 2. Whiteboards/Slates student writes answer or solution to a question posed by the teacher teacher solicits all students to show at the same time teacher gives feedback to the students PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
Stress-Related Issues Hypertension Migraines Bruxism Insomnia Ulcers Pains/aches Increased chance of depression Increased risk of developing an addiction Increased accidents Increased absenteeism Decreased productivity Increased visits to doctor Increased heart attacks Increased unhealthy habits 7/6/2019
Stress Prevention Identify those at risk Coping skills External locus of control High self concept High sport anxiety Coping skills Social/family support Change up schedule/practices Adequate time off Good nutrition Sufficient sleep Good physical fitness 7/6/2019
Pass or Play! What are some ways that stress comes up in sports? Think of both positive & negative types of stress! 7/6/2019
Stress in Sports “Carrying the team” Whether or not you’ll play in college/pro Losing a playoff game Season or Career-ending injuries or illnesses Losing a teammate Whole-team losses Marshall University Humboldt Hockey Team Winning a championship Getting the star rookie Having a winning streak Holding the most records Signing the most players Positive feedback from your coach Playing in college/pro 7/6/2019
Closure: Stress Physiological Response: Alarm Stage Resistance Stage Exhaustion Property of CTE Joint Venture 7/6/2019