Action of Combined Magnetic Fields on Aqueous Solutions


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Presentation transcript:

Action of Combined Magnetic Fields on Aqueous Solutions Mikhail Zhadin Institute of Cell Biophysics Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia. 10.07.2019

Interaction Electromagnetic Field with Matter Interaction of electromagnetic fields with elementary particles is the main subject for investigation by Classic and Quantum Electrodynamics. Comparatively recent achievements of Quantum Electrodynamics of condensed matter (Preparata, 1995) opened new ways for development of these problems. Unfortunately, Biophysics paid few attention to these questions, though they are important problem of living systems functioning. 10.07.2019

Problem of Magnetic Field Action on Aqueous Solutions Problems of the influence of electromagnetic and magnetic fields, especially weak ones, on aqueous solutions were interested for us for a long years, because the water medium is a main substance in activity of cells and living tissues. In the beginning of 90-th we performed a series of experiments for investigation of action of weak low frequency magnetic fields on aqueous solution of amino acids. The discovery by Liboff and Blackman (1985) of unusual regularities in action of weak (about of 20-40 mcT) combined magnetic fields on biological systems gave new possibilities for performing such sort of research. . 10.07.2019

Resonance peaks at combined magnetic fields action Blackman et al. (1985) and Liboff (1985) revealed that static (DC) and alternating (AC) combined magnetic fields caused the increase in concentration of free calcium ions in nervous tissue. This increase was manifested in the form of very narrow resonance peaks with a maximal peak at the cyclotron frequency of AC magnetic field corresponding to Ca2+ ions. The cyclotron frequency was a product of DC magnetic field on the ratio of charge-to-mass of the investigated ion. These works created a new line in development of Bioelectromagnetics, initiating a lot of experimental and theoretical works. 10.07.2019

Our Experiment We choose the aqueous solutions of amino acids as an object for investigation since the amino acids are the main molecular elements of living system construction. These solutions were subjected to action of weak parallel DC and AC magnetic fields. The changes in conductivity of these solutions were measured. The scheme of our experimental installation is given on the next slide. 10.07.2019

Experimental Installation 10.07.2019

Resonant Peaks in Current through the Solution We were trying to reveal resonance peaks in the current through the solution at the change in AC field frequency, sweeping this frequency within the interval including the cyclotron one of the ions of amino acid (glutamic acid) investigated. We were trying to reveal the effects at the weakest values of AC field. To our great surprise, we discovered resonance peaks at so low values of the AC field as 20-40 nT that were on three orders less than in experiments by Liboff and Blackman and in various other experiments with combined magnetic fields. It was very interesting, but does not agree anyway with the ideas of that time. 10.07.2019

Resonance Peak in the Current through the Solution 10.07.2019

Publication of the Obtained Results In 1994 we tried to publish our results in Bioelectromagnetics journal. After the year correspondence with the Editors and reviewers our manuscript was hanging as containing “inexplicable” results. It was ischued (Zhadin et al., 1998) only after I published (Zhadin, 1998) my theory of action of combined magnetic fields on thermal motion of an ion within a macromolecule or microcrystal. 10.07.2019

Initial Equation of our model Initial Equation of our model. r is distance between an bound ion and its equilibrium point; B is a total DC and AC fields; q is a charge of ion; m is an ion mass; F is a total thermal action of surrounding particles on an ion 10.07.2019

Final form of our equation The first two terms in the right part are the Zeeman effect of splitting the spectrum by DC field. The following terms are peaks caused by AC field. At the cyclotron frequency Zeeman peak coincides with maximal peak created by AC, and the amplitude of these oscillations essentially increases, creating the highest resonance at the cyclotron frequency 10.07.2019

Amplitude and frequency windows Bessel functions provide arising of so called “amplitude windows”, that is periodic increase and decrease of ion oscillation amplitude at monotonous increase of AC field amplitude. Cyclotron frequency of AC field induces essential increase of ion oscillation amplitude. A lot of comparatively week resonances take place the so called “frequency windows” . All these effects were observed in Liboff and Blackman experiments and in other experiments with combined magnetic fields. 10.07.2019


Frequency windows 10.07.2019

Possible Role of Microcrystals in Amino Acids Results Amino acids badly soluble in water at room temperature create an saturated aqueous solution where the formed microcrystals can melt at the cyclotron frequency of the AC field, throwing out the ions into the solution and forming a peak of current. At switching off the magnetic fields the ions can come back into microcrystals, returning the whole system in the initial state. Such system can be formed and kept in the solution for some time, creating resonance peaks with some reproducibility. 10.07.2019

Our Results and Quantum Electrodynamics (1) For the 90-th the Quantum Electrodynamics of Condensed Matter was quickly developing (Preparata, 1995) in Italy. The authors of this new line of Electrodynamics paid attention (Del Giudice et al., 2004) on our results as on well agreeing with their ideas about water as a combination of two components – coherent and incoherent ones. In connection with this, the works (Pazur, 2005; Comisso, 2006) appeared on replication of our experiments and the reproducibility of our results in 20% of exposures was shown. Del Giudice (2004) has developed Quantum Electrodynamical theory of the results obtained by us which was based on the ideas of coherence domains in water. 10.07.2019

Our Results and Quantum Electrodynamics (2) Our model based on amino acid crystallization in an aqueous solution was proposed before attempts of application of Quantum Electrodynamics to effects of magnetic fields to amino acid solutions. This model needs updating on the base of Quantum Electrodynamics and, also as theory by Del Guidice too, quantitative estimation of very weak magnetic fields energy necessary for creating effects comparable with experimental ones. I am working in these lines now. 10.07.2019

Thank you for your attention! 10.07.2019

Resonance Peak 10.07.2019