Effects of the arctic ice cap melting.
The introduction the arctic ice cap is an area with high latitude it can be a planet, or natural satellite covered in ice that are located in the polar regions. What makes up the ice it can vary on the earth mostly water but on mars mostly water and solid carbon dioxide. Because these ice caps are in high latitude ares they get less sun and temperatures are lower.
Effects of the melting ice cap on the geosphere. the melting ice cap effects the extraction of oil natural gas and minerals. So as the ice cap melt the gas and minerals are easier to get out of the ground. Alaska, Norway, Russia and Greenland May contain as much as 30% of the worlds undiscovered gas. And there is at least 13% of undiscovered crude oil. So if the ice caps melt it will be an easier access the gas and oil.
Effects of the melting ice cap on the geosphere the melting ice cap is affecting the erosion and weathering in costal areas because the rise of temperature is quickly melting glaciers the more massive form of glacier erosion is being impacted by the valley erosion. As the ice caps are melting more coastal area is exposed to more erosion. As ocean levels rise the erosion damage gets worse because the water will hit over more of the coast line.
Effects of the melting ice cap on the atmosphere how would the melting of the arctic ice cap affect climate in other parts of the world? Warmer water temperatures delay ice growth which would cause sea levels to rise. Cause the would to have less fresh water 99% of the water would be sheets of ice.
How the melting of the arctic ice cap will contribute to carbon into the atmosphere. how could the melting of the arctic ice cap contribute to carbon in the atmosphere Melting the Arctic ice caps can contribute to the carbon by each ton of carbon used by people will go into the atmosphere which is affecting the ice caps. how is the sustainability of the atmosphere affected by the melting of the arctic ice caps. Melting of the arctic ice caps will increase the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by releasing green house gases. With the change of weather in the atmosphere also comes more storms and tornados affecting to the climate. When the water levels rise by 20 feet more carbon will be taken into the oceans leaving less carbon in the air. Plants would not survive and our air wouldn’t be clean causing problems for all living species.
Effects of the melting ice cap on the hydrosphere how will the Greenland’s ice sheet be affected by the arctic ice cap melt. The Greenland’s ice sheet is 660,000 square miles. The greenland ice sheet is driving the global sea level to rise. one section on the ice sheet in 2003 was melting 80% faster. It would very bad because 1/3 of the population lives near costal areas causing that population to not have land to live on, it would be gone.
Effects of the melting of the melting ice cap on the hydrosphere what effects will the changes to Greenland’s ice sheet have on the hydrosphere. The effects that will change Greenland’s ice sheet the ice sheet will melt it’s a proven affect. The biggest thing for scientists is that if the entire ice sheet melted the sea level would rise by 23 feet. how is the sustainability of the biosphere affected by the melting of the arctic ice cap. Melting ice caps will increase the rate of erosion because when the ice in the ocean melts into water the water levels rise which will create more floods, tornadoes.
Effects of the melting ice cap on the biosphere How is the sustainability of the biosphere affected by the melting of the arctic ice cap? During the last 3 decades more than 50% of arctic ice sea covered 80% of sea. ice volume thickness in the last 40 years the earths weather has warmed about 0.8C but the arctic has been warming up twice as fast as the rest of the other land which is a big problem because of global warming. This has effected us in Positive and negative ways. the Positive ways for the arctic ice caps melting is that the there is a lot of the earth’s oil under the ice caps so that the oil companies will make more money. The negative way is that the more oil being used the more pollution in the air and with the combined problem of sea rising there is less carbon in the atmosphere causing us to have very poor air quality.
Analysis and interpret The melting of the ice cap shows all spheres are connected because damage caused to one will cause damage to the other spheres. The melting of spheres and water increase in hydrosphere.
Bibliography https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suncor_Energy https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/Greenland/greenland_sidebar.php https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-19496674 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExxonMobil