[CONTACT] Biology [GRADING] Course Description Mrs. Eades aeades.@sahs1.org Room #125 Biology 2017-2018 Course Syllabus [GRADING] Course Description A = 94-100 A- = 90-93 B+ = 87-89 B = 84-86 B- = 80-83 C+ = 77-79 C = 74-76 C- = 70-73 D+ = 67-69 D = 64-66 D- = 60-63 F = 59-0 Welcome to biology! Biology is the science that studies living things. This course introduces the principles and concepts of biology. Utah state core standards emphasis is on basic biological chemistry, cell structure and function, metabolism and energy transformation, genetics, evolution, reproduction, classification, and other related topics. You will explore these concept through textbook readings, individual and group assignments, and hands-on laboratory activities. Hands-on laboratory exercises will be provided to reinforce lecture topics and to assist you in the understanding of biological themes. Page 1, Template 1/3 Each quarters grade is calculated according to the following criteria: Test and Quizzes (50%): There will be one test and one quiz per unit. Assignments and Labs (30%) I will utilize the class website to post information on assignments. Class Performance and Participation (20%) This class requires daily effort which directly affects your final grade. How to Succeed in Biology Biology is challenging, but you can succeed in this class if you follow these key steps: Keep up with your assignments. Use your resources to catch up after an absence and avoid missing class whenever possible. Ask for help when you need it. Whether that means asking a question during class or coming in for tutoring, I am here to help you in any way I can! Take advantage of opportunities to boost your grade. Work hard and use your brain! I work very hard for you, and I expect nothing less in return.
Your own colored pencils are recommended but not required. Late Work & Absent Policy [SUPPLIES] 3 ring binder Paper for notes Pen/Pencil Red pen Your own colored pencils are recommended but not required. You will keep a notebook (three ring binder) for this class with the following sections: general information, notes, homework /classwork, labs, and test/quizzes. You must keep all grades work that I return to you in chronological order in your notebook. You will be taking some notes every day. All work is expected to be turned in on time. Late assignments will only receive partial credit. All late assignments will lose 20% of the total points. Late work must be turned in within three days prior to the unit test, and have a late work slip attached to it. When you are absent, it is your responsibility to get make-up work. It is also your responsibility to turn in any work that was collected while you were gone with a late slip attached. Check the class calendar or another student and obtain the necessary handouts. You are responsible for getting notes from a classmate. This information, including lecture notes and most handouts, may also be found on the website. You must make up any work, including tests, missed within three school days of returning to school. If you are absent the day before the test you are still expected to take the test the day you return to school, unless prior arrangements have been made. Make up tests and quizzes can be taken before or after school and must be taken within three days of the original test date. Tests taken after this time will receive half credit. Due to the inherent complex nature of setting up and cleaning up laboratories, missed labs will not be allowed to be made up. [EXPECTATIONS] Be Prepared Come to class on time. This means being in your seat at the start time, focused and ready to learn. Come to class with the necessary supplies every day. Be Respectful Respect yourself and others. Respect our class time and our materials. Do Your Best Be responsible for your learning; work hard and do your best. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Electronics Electronic devices are not to be used during class. Page 2, Template 1/2 Retesting Policy Test and quiz grades below 70% are eligible for retesting. The following criteria must be met to retest: no missing assignments Proof of mastery The test/quiz should be taken within one week of receiving your original grade Can only be retaken once Better grade will be used
Biology Acknowledgement 2017-2018 Course Syllabus I am always willing to work with students, so please contact me if you are having trouble with an assignment or meeting a deadline. I want each one of you to have a successful year. Please, do not hesitate to ask for assistance! Good communication between teachers, students, and parents is essential to maximize the success of students in high school. I will attempt to communicate with you about your student’s progress in this class on a regular basis via the schools internet-based system, progress reports, and at other times as needed. I hope you will feel free to contact me by email to discuss your student’s progress. Please take a moment to complete this syllabus acknowledgement and return it to me by way of your student. It will be counted as a homework assignment. I have read and understand the above policy procedures. Student name (please print) Student signature Date Class period Parent or Guardian Signature Page 1, Template 1/3