Bactericidal effect of probiotic L Bactericidal effect of probiotic L. acidophilus strain LB against gastric or enterovirulent bacterial pathogens. Bactericidal effect of probiotic L. acidophilus strain LB against gastric or enterovirulent bacterial pathogens. (A) Time course of the bactericidal effect of L. acidophilus strain LB against wild-type ETEC H10407 expressing colonization factor CFA/I, EPEC E2348/69, Afa/Dr DAEC C1845, S. Typhimurium SL1344, and H. pylori 1101 after direct contact. (B) Scanning electron microscopy micrographs showing the transformation of the helical form of H. pylori to the U-shaped form after treatment with L. acidophilus strain LB. For both panels A and B, pathogens were placed in direct contact with L. acidophilus LB CFCS. (The time course of the bactericidal effect in panel A is based on data extracted from reference 182 with permission of the publisher and from references 122 and 139. The two micrographs in panel B are reprinted from reference 139.) Vanessa Liévin-Le Moal, and Alain L. Servin Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2014; doi:10.1128/CMR.00080-13