Good Governance
Good and Effective Governance Mike Groome Chairman NZ Aviation Community Advisory Group CEO Taupo Airport Authority Executive Member Flying NZ
Good and Effective Governance Responsibilities of a Club Committee
Good and Effective Governance Responsibilities of a Club Committee Member - To Act in Good Faith
Good and Effective Governance Responsibilities of a Club Committee Member - To Act in Good Faith - Exercise Power for a Proper Purpose
Good and Effective Governance Responsibilities of a Club Committee Member - To Act in Good Faith - Exercise Power for a Proper Purpose - Must not put the Club into serious risk or loss to its Creditors
Good and Effective Governance Responsibilities of a Club Committee Member - To Act in Good Faith - Exercise Power for a Proper Purpose - Must not put the Club into serious risk or loss to its Creditors - Must Exercise care, diligence and skill in performing their duties
Good and Effective Governance Responsibilities of a Club Committee Member - To Act in Good Faith - Exercise Power for a Proper Purpose - Must not put the Club into serious risk or loss to its Creditors - Must Exercise care, diligence and skill in performing their duties - Must not put themselves in a position where their own personal interests or duties conflict with that of the Club
Good and Effective Governance Responsibilities of a Club Committee Member - To Act in Good Faith - Exercise Power for a Proper Purpose - Must not put the Club into serious risk or loss to its Creditors - Must Exercise care, diligence and skill in performing their duties - Must not put themselves in a position where their own personal interests or duties conflict with that of the Club - Must not allow the assets of the club to be put at serious risk
Good and Effective Governance The Nine Steps to Effective Governance
Good and Effective Governance Step One: Get the right people on the Committee
Good and Effective Governance Step One: Get the right people on the Committee Step Two: Define and agree on the Committee role
Good and Effective Governance Step One: Get the right people on the Committee Step Two: Define and agree on the Committee role Step Three: Employ and support a Manager or CFI
Good and Effective Governance Step One: Get the right people on the Committee Step Two: Define and agree on the Committee role Step Three: Employ and support a Manager or CFI Step Four: Provide Strategic Leadership
Good and Effective Governance Step One: Get the right people on the Committee Step Two: Define and agree on the Committee role Step Three: Employ and support a Manager or CFI Step Four: Provide Strategic Leadership Step Five: Make Committee meetings count
Good and Effective Governance Step One: Get the right people on the Committee Step Two: Define and agree on the Committee role Step Three: Employ and support a Manager or CFI Step Four: Provide Strategic Leadership Step Five: Make Committee meetings count Step Six: Stay on top of the Governance role
Good and Effective Governance Step One: Get the right people on the Committee Step Two: Define and agree on the Committee role Step Three: Employ and support a Manager or CFI Step Four: Provide Strategic Leadership Step Five: Make Committee meetings count Step Six: Stay on top of the Governance role Step Seven: Develop the Work Plan
Good and Effective Governance Step One: Get the right people on the Committee Step Two: Define and agree on the Committee role Step Three: Employ and support a Manager or CFI Step Four: Provide Strategic Leadership Step Five: Make Committee meetings count Step Six: Stay on top of the Governance role Step Seven: Develop the Work Plan Step Eight: Regularly review the Committee Performance
Good and Effective Governance Step One: Get the right people on the Committee Step Two: Define and agree on the Committee role Step Three: Employ and support a Manager or CFI Step Four: Provide Strategic Leadership Step Five: Make Committee meetings count Step Six: Stay on top of the Governance role Step Seven: Develop the Work Plan Step Eight: Regularly review the Committee Performance Step Nine: Correctly induct and provide support to a new Committee person
Good and Effective Governance
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