Erase this slide once presentation is finalized Guide for completing pitch deck: [Red text in brackets]: to be replaced with content specific information from your organization and social Enterprise models Italicized text: guidance or examples that should be erased when presentation is finalized. Non-italicized black or white text: blueprint text that can be left as is or adjusted if needed. Erase this slide once presentation is finalized
[Title of Your Organization] LOGO OPTIONAL PICTURE HERE [Title of Your Organization] [The name or key idea of your social enterprise] [Name of contact at your organization] [Contact title] [Month, Year]
Organizational Overview: [Your organization] LOGO Organizational Overview: [Your organization] [Insert your mission] Example: PLAFAM exists to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights across three main areas in Venezuelan communities, with a focus on vulnerable populations. Outline existing offerings, including services, education, advocacy [Explain offering 1] example: low cost SRH services [Explain offering 2] example: transformative educational services [Explain offering 3] example: advocacy for better public policies [Explain offering 4] example: distribution of contraceptive products Who are you and what do you do: Elevator pitch. [Your organization]: A clear mission and [number of years of operation] of experience
LOGO [Your organization] has achieved traction and recognition in the [region/globe] [Number of years] in operation [Number of services] sexual and reproductive health services delivered annually, comprising [percentage] of the [your country’s] population of reproductive age. [Percentage] growth in services since [choose a baseline year] [Include any awards or recognitions] Impact and Traction What traction and recognition have you received?
LOGO There are serious sexual and reproductive health problems in [your country]. [List problems, describe the segment that is experiencing them, quantify them, and explain their root causes] Examples: High rates of adolescent pregnancy in urban areas: 101 of every 1000 babies born in urban centers are to mothers between the ages of 15 to 19 years old, due to lack of contraceptives, leading to school dropouts, unemployment, and poverty. High rates of maternal or infant mortality in rural areas: A 60% maternal mortality rate and 30% infant mortality rate, due to lack of healthcare facilities in these zones. High cervical cancer incidence and mortality rate in capital city: 60% incidence rate and 10% mortality rate in women of reproductive age due to lack of access to treatment. The Problem Explain the problem you are trying to solve, use words and statistics that demonstrate why the problem is important and what are the root causes.
Solution to the problem: An opportunity for growth LOGO To respond to this problem, [your organization] will [explain your solution, how it is addressing the problem, and what are the benefits to your target population] Examples: To increase access to cervical cancer treatment for women in the capital city, our organization will establish a new clinic specialized in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer, in order to combat both incidence and death from cervical cancer. The clinic will offer low cost, accessible, yet high quality services. Clarify your bold social enterprise idea and how it is effectively addressing the problem, i.e. what are the direct benefits to the target clients. Solution to the problem: An opportunity for growth
The Market Opportunity LOGO [Your organization]’s solution fills a need in the market and presents an opportunity for significant impact. Market Demand: [what is the size of the market] Example: there are 50,000 women of reproductive age in the capital that seek access comprehensive SRH services. It is estimated that 10,000 will need cancer treatment each year. Our organization estimates it will reach 35% the population needing cancer treatment in year one. Capacity to Pay and Generate Income: [how can you demonstrate the capacity to pay and generate income] Example: Our capital has a 75% employment rate. We will target low-middle income clients with low cost services that we can offer at accessible price points due to careful financial planning. We also have traction as a brand recognized for delivering high-quality low cost specialized services to this population; in 2018 we generated $200,000 in income from the sale of SRH services. Opportunity for Impact: [how can you demonstrate impact] Example: There are only two other providers of comprehensive cervical cancer care in the capital. The private sector, with high price points, and the public sector, with long wait times and low quality care. Because of that, women are not accessing treatment. This clinic will contribute to preventing the deaths of 2,000 women from cancer each year. The Market Opportunity What is the market demand for your solution, why will the clients who will be paying be able to pay, why is the location of your solution strategic?
Business Model: Diversified Revenue Streams LOGO Business Model: Diversified Revenue Streams [Your organization]’s model will generate income and be sustainable from revenue generated from the sale of medical services to three main revenue streams: [Revenue stream one] Example: Partnerships with private insurance companies: Our organization has partnered with three private insurance companies, who pay us to treat their affiliates. Cervical cancer screening and prevention is included in the services that are covered. On average we offer services to 10,000 clients a year, we expect to add 2,000 additional clients with the new clinic. [Revenue stream two] Example: B2C sales – clients paying directly for services: Clients that are not covered by the insurance system will access services at accessible prices. We serve 20,000 clients a year outside of the insurance system. We estimate that we will be able to attract 3,000 new clients with our new clinic. [Revenue stream three] Example: B2B sales – companies paying for services for employees We do outreach to private and public companies through our Healthlink program, where companies cover the cost of preventative health services for their employees as a benefit. We estimate that we will be able to sell services to companies for 500 new employees with our new clinic.
LOGO Why are you competitive in the market, what is your competitive edge and what gap in the market are you filling? [Differentiator #1] Example: Low cost, high-quality services [Differentiator #1] Example: Access to full spectrum of care Competitive Advantage: [Your organization] competes on [list elements] Example: cost, quality and comprehensive care List elements of how your solution is different List elements of how your solution is different
Impact: An opportunity for financial sustainability and health impact LOGO Impact: An opportunity for financial sustainability and health impact Service Growth Projections Revenue Growth Projections Services and Revenue: [Discuss a simplified version of your service/product/training projections and revenue using averages] Example: The clinic will reach 3,500 patients in year one, offering an average of 1.2 services per client, and generating an average of $15 per service, according to our financial projections.
Revenue or Service Chart ERASE THIS SLIDE Instructions for creating the chart on the previous slide: Right click on the chart Select “Edit Data in Excel” Change the categories to the metric you want to highlight (Column A) Revenue Projections: change to years (i.e. 2019, 2020, 2021…) Change the numbers (Column B) If you want to show a comparison of breakdown of revenue (i.e. local vs. total or existing vs. new from the social enterprise) then use (Column C) and rename cells B1, C1, etc. for the appropriate metric
Impact: An opportunity for financial sustainability and health impact LOGO Impact: An opportunity for financial sustainability and health impact Profitability and sustainability: the current financial projections demonstrate that the clinic is expected to break-even within the first three years, and will produce a positive profit margin going forward Profit Margin 2019 [x%] Profit Margin 2020 [x%] Profit Margin 2021 [x%] Profit Margin 2022 [x%]
LOGO Impact: An opportunity for financial sustainability and health impact Which will directly contribute to the improvement of reproductive health outcomes: [What health impact will the increase in Sexual and Reproductive Health Services have on your target population? This should link back to the solution.] Example: The level of service provision of cervical cancer prevention, detection and treatment that is estimated will prevent on average 2,000 cancer related deaths per year. [explain what evidence you have to base this claim upon] Impact Metrics: Discuss what you are going to be measuring
The [Your Organization]’s Team LOGO The [Your Organization]’s Team Management Team Board of Directors Name, Title Photo Name, Title Photo Name, Title Photo Name, Title Photo Name, Title Photo Name, Title Photo Advisors/other team members Necessary Hires Title Name, Title Photo Name, Title Photo Name, Title Photo
Initial Investment Needs LOGO Initial Investment Needs ERASE THIS TEXT BOX Instructions for creating the pie chart Right click on the chart Select “Edit Data in Excel” Change the categories of capital needed (Column A) Change the percentages (Column B)
Timeline for Implementation and Launch LOGO Timeline for Implementation and Launch Complete major milestones. Erase if not needed [Month Year] [milestone] [Month Year] [milestone] [Month Year] [milestone] [Month Year] [milestone] [Month Year] [milestone] [Month Year] [milestone] [Month Year] [milestone] [Month Year] [milestone] [Month Year] [milestone] [Month Year] [milestone]
Financial Projections LOGO 2019 2020 2022 Service Volume Revenue Expenses Net Profit Net Margin Financial Projections [Year X to Year X] Fill in the chart above with highlights from your financial projections. It will behave like an Excel spreadsheet.
LOGO OPTIONAL PICTURE HERE Thank you! Your support helps ensure that everyone in [your country] has access to sexual health and reproductive healthcare. Name of contact at your organization Contact title Contact email Contact phone number
LOGO Appendices You have the option to include further slides that provide answers and/or visuals for potential questions from investors. These can include: More detailed financial projections, or graphic representations of projections Associated risks and potential mitigation opportunities Historical data about your proposed social enterprise Show how your social enterprise fits into your other product/service offerings Existing or potential partners Growth strategy More in-depth impact metrics Further breakdown of the financial ask Marketing strategy