Biology Period 3,6,7
Accommodations for ESE, 504 & ELL 1. Provide notes when requiring student to copy. 2. Highlight key concepts. 3. Allow extended time. 4. Provide materials for review. 5. Read directions for student. 6. Check for comprehension. 7. Leave class for assistance. 8. Use organizational strategies. 9. Question students when necessary.
Cell Division and Mitosis 11/12 - 11/16
Monday 11/12 agenda Learning Goal Bell Ringer I do – cell cycle, chromosome, binary fission notes We do – cell cycle mash up You do – discovery readings and videos
Learning Goal and Bell Ringers Monday 11/12 (P87) Benchmark SC.912.L.16.14: Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual reproduction. Learning Goal I will be able to differentiate the parts of the cell cycle. Bell Ringer Why do cells need to replicate?
Cell Cycle, Chromosomes, Binary Fission Page 89 –INB on schoology/Techboard
INB 88
Monday 1/12 Exit Add in new current pages to TOC Highlight – Ask Questions on Notes Discovery Reading Questions – click submit!!! Complete unfinished Plant Unit work turn in notebook
Tuesday 11/13 agenda Learning Goal Bell Ringer I do - mitosis notes We do - cell cycle mass up You do – highlight and circle important concepts + mitosis diagram
Learning Goal and Bell Ringers Tuesday 11/13 (P87) Benchmark SC.912.L.16.14: Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual reproduction. Learning Goal I will be able to differentiate the parts of the cell cycle. I will be able to explain the role and purpose of mitosis. I will be able to explain the mitosis process. Bell Ringer The illustration represents binary fission. Why is binary fission in Paramecium considered as asexual reproduction? A) Binary fission produces identical daughter cells. B) Binary fission produces non-identical daughter cells. C) Binary fission produces more than two daughter cells. D) Binary fission produces small and large daughter cells.
5 minute Stop Write Note Summary Answer questions developed from notes Make sure to address Monday Learning Goals I will be able to differentiate the parts of the cell cycle.
Cell Division (Mitosis) INB p91 on Schoology or discovery techboard
P90 INB Prophase Interphase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Daughter Cells
Tuesday 11/13 Exit Add in new current pages to TOC Highlight and Circle Key concepts Mitosis Diagram
Wednesday 11/14 agenda Learning Goal Prefixes I do - review cell cycle We do - review cell mass up + outline mitosis interactive You do – Mitosis Interactive
Learning Goal and Prefixes Wednesday 11/14 (P87) Benchmark SC.912.L.16.14: Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual reproduction. Learning Goal I will be able to differentiate the parts of the cell cycle. I will be able to explain the role and purpose of mitosis. I will be able to explain the mitosis process. Prefixes Meta Telo phase
5 minute Stop Write Note Summary Answer questions developed from notes Make sure to address Tuesday’s Learning Goals I will be able to explain the role and purpose of mitosis. I will be able to explain the mitosis process.
Wednesday 11/14 Exit Add in new current pages to TOC Mitosis Online and Text Interactive
Thursday 11/15 agenda Learning Goal Bell Ringer I do - review cell cycle We do - Mitosis interactive You do – Cell Cycle Mash up + Mitosis Diagram + Discovery Readings Quizlet practice content
Learning Goal and Bell Ringers Thursday 11/15 (P87) Benchmark SC.912.L.16.14: Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual reproduction. Learning Goal I will be able to differentiate the parts of the cell cycle. I will be able to explain the role and purpose of mitosis. I will be able to explain the mitosis process. Bell Ringer The diagrams are showing a cell undergoing a mitotic division at different points of Anaphase. Use the ABC labels on the drawings to indicate the sequential order. A)A - B - then C B)B - C - then A C)B - A - then C D)A - C - then B This is a model of the cell cycle. During this cycle, cells grow and divide. This cycle is responsible for our growth, on a bigger scale. Imagine that you are sick and cannot eat. What will happen on the cellular level? Use the model to help you answer the question. A) The cell will produce fewer new cells at step C. B) The cell will not grow as much through steps D - A- B. C)The cell will not grow as much through steps D - B and may not divide. D) The cell will not grow through steps D - A - B and will produce smaller cells at C.
INB check TOMORROW What is due?? Work to be checked P87 bell ringer P88 Mash Up (cell cycle) P89 Cell cycle, Binary Fission, Chromosome Notes P90 Mitosis Diagram P91 Mitosis Notes P92 Mitosis Interactive - Online
INB 88
P90 INB Prophase Interphase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Daughter Cells
Thursday 11/15 Exit Add in new current pages to TOC Complete all work!! – INB check Quiz tomorrow!!
Friday 11/16 agenda Learning Goal Bell Ringer I do - review cell cycle We do - Mitosis Quizlet You do – Quiz
Learning Goal and Bell Ringers Friday 11/16 (P87) Benchmark SC.912.L.16.14: Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual reproduction. Learning Goal I will be able to differentiate the parts of the cell cycle. I will be able to explain the role and purpose of mitosis. I will be able to explain the mitosis process. Bell Ringer Identify the stage of mitosis where the sister chromatids line up on the equator of the cell. A) prophase B) metaphase C)anaphase D) telophase
Review + Quiz Work to be checked Quizlet Live Quiz P87 bell ringer P88 Mash Up (cell cycle) P89 Cell cycle, Binary Fission, Chromosome Notes P90 Mitosis Diagram P91 Mitosis Notes P92 Mitosis Interactive - Online Quizlet Live Quiz
Friday 11/16 Exit Take Notebook!! Have a great break!