Oilfield Driving
Hazards Driving is the cause of most oilfield fatalities Road Conditions (mud, water, rocks, dust, animals & heavy traffic) Weather can change road conditions day to day and hour to hour (check during pre-trip planning) Driver fatigue Workplace driver distractions (passengers, radio/phone calls, etc.) Workplace stress (running behind schedule, slow moving vehicles)
Hazard Prevention Check weather before departing Vehicle inspections (check tires, oil, lights, oil, washer fluid, spare/jack) Seatbelts are required-at all times No cellphone use while driving (pull over to take or make calls) Headlights on at all times Slow down for safety
Lease Road Hazards Narrow lanes No shoulders Berms, embankments, drop offs One lane bridges Flying rocks Dust Standing water Cattle & Wildlife
Site Arrival Follow all signs Park in designated parking (First move forward) Understand and follow checkin/checkout procedures Do not drive within guy wires and rig anchors Follow journey management when leaving
Go home to your families safe & sound! Accidents are preventable Be prepared will save you time and maybe your life We are all responsible for safety “Our Safety is My Responsibility” Doing the job right is faster than doing the job over Slow down for safety