The Best of the Animals
Once upon a time, there was a competition called ‘The Best of the Animals’. There were three competitors.
They were a lion, an elephant and a mouse.
The lion was called Best. He was proud. He was sure that he was the best and the most powerful animal in the forest.
The elephant was called Friend. She was friendly, nice and kind. Most of the animals loved to make friends with her.
The mouse was called Timid. She was the cleverest animal in the forest but she was timid.
In the competition, they needed to take two challenges-river crossing and stone moving.
They arrived at the river. The river was wide They arrived at the river. The river was wide. The water was flowing fast. There was a tree trunk over the river.
Timid said, ‘This is a deep river Timid said, ‘This is a deep river. The tree trunk may fall into the river. I want to go home now.’ Then she went home.
It’s so easy! Best said, ‘It’s so easy.’ Then he crossed the river proudly on the tree trunk.
Friend did not say a word. She stepped into the river Friend did not say a word. She stepped into the river. Because she was heavy and big, the water didn’t move her an inch.
On the other side of the river, there were only Best and Friend because Timid had gone home.
This time, they had to move a stone This time, they had to move a stone. The stone was as heavy as their weight.
Best wanted to show his power so he used one hand to lift up his stone.
But the stone was too heavy for him to lift up by one hand But the stone was too heavy for him to lift up by one hand. The stone dropped and hurt his feet.
Friend thought for a while. Then she rolled the stone with her trunk.
At last, she won the competition.
After the competition, Friend went to visit Best After the competition, Friend went to visit Best. Friend said ‘You shouldn’t be proudly.’ Best answer ‘Okay. I will do my best next time.’
Then she also went to visit Timid and said ‘Don’t be timid Then she also went to visit Timid and said ‘Don’t be timid. You are clever!’ Timid answered ‘Thank you for your opinion.’
The End