Is There a God? This presentation is intended to give a visual description of my viewpoint on God’s existence. This presentation presents historical philosophers who share the same viewpoint with me.
Epistemology What is true? What is false? Explores nature, limits, and knowledge. Epistemology is the study of knowledge which attempts to answer the question; what is true and what is false? Epistemology explores the sources, nature, limits and criteria of knowledge (Moore, 2005). My personal view is I know God exists therefore I believe his existence is true from the works that he has done and continues to do in my life and others around me.
Ontological Argument Beyond imagination God exists Famous philosophers criticized this argument Ontological argument is based on a being greater than which cannot be conceived. This argument states if such a being does exist and it is logical, then God exists. Philosophers such as David Hume, Immanuel Kant, and Gottlob Frege criticized this argument (Moore, 2005). My personal view of ontological argument is I believe in this argument. I believe God is beyond imagination. My mind can not imagine how great God is.
Miracles Works of God Non-believers see them as scientific Some can not be explained Miracles are recognized as works from God by the Catholic Church. Miracles are believed to be the works of God. For some non-believers such as atheists, these miracles are seen to have a scientific explanation. My personal view of miracles is I believe miracles don’t just happen. They are God’s works. I believe God creates miracles to open our eyes to let us know he is still here, caring, loving, and still watching over us.
Philosophers who Believed in God Immanuel Kant Rene Descartes Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Famous philosophers of the past have shown their proof of the existence of God in their own way. Each philosopher uses their own method to all come to the same conclusion; God exists.
Immanuel Kant Our minds can not rationalize Kant believed in God Immanuel Kant's philosophy was based on the belief of God’s existence. Kant believed the human mind could not obtain rational knowledge of any kind beyond the physical world (Moore, 2005).
Rene Descartes Whole philosophy based on God God created mind and matter Accountable for our existence Discourse of Method part IV Descartes believed in God and was very religious. He based his whole philosophy on God. Descartes believed God crated mind and matter and is accountable for our continuous existence. His book Discourse of Method part IV talks about Proof of God and the Soul (Moore, 2005).
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Belief in God’s will The Critical Philosophy Builds upon Kant’s philosophy “The Absolute Idea” Georg Wilhelm FriedrichHegel believed in God’s will and talks about the existence of God in his works “The Critical Philosophy”. He takes Kant’s beliefs of God’s existence and builds upon it. Hegel referred to God as the absolute idea (Moore, 2005).
Misconceptions How did we get here? Where did God come from? When did it all begin? Religions have different beliefs The question “how did we get here is asked time and time since the beginning of time. Different religions have different beliefs such as Hinduism and Buddhism. Other questions such as “where did God come from”? “When did it all begin”? “Does God exist in time or beyond time” have been asked causing people to question God’s existence (Moore, 2005).
My philosophy I believe in God Creator of everything My philosophy related to Kant’s God is amazing laminin My philosophy has always been the belief in God. I believe he is the higher power and the creator of everything seen and unseen. My philosophy is related to Kant’s philosophy. We both believe that the mind cannot grasp God’s existence. I know if I try to think of where God came from, I can’t explain the feeling. The feeling is so amazing I cannot grasp an answer and I believe that is what Kant meant. I recently learned about laminin which is a glycoprotein found in basement membranes that are basically the glue that keep us together. The image of laminin is astounding, the molecules come together to form a cross. My belief is heightened even more with this new found proof which Kant, Descartes and Hegel share my belief as well (Stone, 2005).
Conclusion Question will be still debated Future philosophers Ask yourself, “Is there a God” Whether atheists or theists one is meant to make their own decision about their belief in God. Philosophers of the past have made their statements about the belief in God, and this will continue to be debated with philosophers of the future. Questions will continue to be asked and minds will continue to wonder. As time goes on and the world continues the change, people will continue to answer the question, “Is there a God”?
References Moore, B. N. & Bruder, K. (2005). Philosophy: The power of ideas (6th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Stone, H (2005). The Glue that Hold us Together. Retrieved August 12,2009 Web site: Moore, B. N. & Bruder, K. (2005). Philosophy: The power of ideas (6th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Stone, H (2005). The Glue that Hold us Together. Retrieved June 12, 2008, Web site: