Saints Damien & Marianne of Moloka’i Catholic Military Community Hawaii Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist 24 June 2018 Community Contact Information Catholic Priests: Father Joe Fleury: Father Jason Dechenne: Hawaii Integrated Religious Support Team: 1-808-655-1444 Catholic Community Website: Catholic Pastoral Life Coordinator: Tracey Harger: Chapel Coordinators: AMR -Tracey Harger: MPC - Michelle Harris: Religious Education: DRE: Lauren Brown: AMR REC – Ritchie Mediano: MPC REC - Ute Eble: Catholic Women of the Chapel: Advisor Kari Dechenne: AMR – Danen Hammond: MPC– Jessica Campoverde Avila: Knights Of Columbus: AMR- Gary MPC- Antonio Morales- Pacific House of Mission (Youth Ministry): AMR Jeff Reid: MPC Kaylyn Reynolds: Sacramental records: To request Sacramental records please contact the Archdiocese for Military Services at He will be called John. Find us on Facebook: Saints Damien and Marianne of Moloka’i AMR Catholic Community Schofield Barracks Catholic Community - Main Post Chapel Sts. Damien & Marianne of Moloka’i CWOC AMR Hawaii Schofield Barracks CWOC
Community Announcements Sacraments Sunday Mass: 0830 at Aliamanu Military Reservation Chapel (AMR) 1100 at Main Post Chapel, Schofield Barracks (MPC) Daily Mass: We are currently on summer schedule. We will resume Holy Mass on Mondays and Wednesdays at noon at Soldiers Chapel in the Fall. Reconciliation: By appointment, please contact Father Joe or Father Jason via email which is provided on the back of this bulletin. There will be no Reconciliation prior to Mass by the presiding priest because they are spiritually preparing for Mass. Marriage: Please contact one of our priests at least six months prior to anticipated date of wedding. Mandatory Pre-Cana classes are required. Baptism: Bi-monthly celebrations. Preparation class required. Please RSVP for class. Next AMR Baptism Class: 10 July at 1800 Next AMR Baptism: 1 July during Mass Next MPC Baptism Class: 24 July at 1830, Room 15B Next MPC Baptism: 15 July at 1200 at Main Post Chapel Community Announcements Thank you to all the volunteers that helped make this past week’s Vacation Bible School that strengthened the faith of over 400 children and brought them closer to God. We could not have done it without everyone’s prayerful support and it was beautiful to see so many from our Catholic Community tithing their time, talent and treasure to help our entire military community. God bless the helpers!! Thank you for representing!!! Our website is live as of this weekend! It will be one consolidated website for both chapel communities and have different sections including an event’s calendar for both communities, community registration, religious education and faith formation. Many thanks to Father Andy as he continues to support our community by assisting us as this website continues to develop. Please note there are new email addresses for our chapel and religious education coordinators. Children’s Rosary will be prayed at Soldiers Chapel on Tuesdays at 1100. Pacific House of Mission is looking for volunteers to help support our Youth program. If you love Jesus and love teens, we would love to work with you. For more information related to volunteering or connecting your student with Pacific Club please contact Kaylyn Reynolds at MPC or Jeff Reid at AMR. The AMR CWOC meets on Thursdays from 0900-1145 at AMR Chapel Center for Rosary/Mother’s Prayers, Mass, Brunch, faith formation and fellowship. We are currently on summer break until mid August. The MPC CWOC meets on Wednesday mornings from 0930-1100 for fellowship and the opportunity to grow in faith together. We are currently on summer break until mid August. Catholic Men’s Breakfast Bible Study will be held the first Saturday of every month at AMR Chapel Activity Room A from 0700-0900. All men from both communities are welcome, and you don’t have to be Catholic to attend. Please contact Kevin Gardiner with any questions at If you are pcsing off island, please let Tracey or Michelle know so we can properly farewell you at your last Mass with us and present with you with our Saints Damien and Marianne medal. If you would like a medal, but don’t want to be called to the front that is ok, just let us know so we can have one for you! Marriage Encounter Weekend “A weekend of discover, a lifetime of love.” Join couples who are intent on going from good to great marriages by signing up for a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. Next Oahu weekend is 31 Aug -2 Sep at St. Anthony’s Retreat Center in Kalihi valley. 44 hours from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon. Register at For more information talk to Jose and Mary Elizabeth Alvior 391-2045. Last week’s collection AMR 128/350.00 MPC 230/1077.81 Religious Education Religious Education for the next school year will begin on 19 August 2018 and run through 19 May 2019. Classes will be held weekly from 0945-1045 with various holidays and long weekends off. Please register your children now using our on line registration at . If you are an adult wanting to register for RCIA please use the same website. Our program will be only as strong as a our volunteer support of it. Due to the length of background checks, we ask that you consider starting a background check now, so you are cleared in time for the program to start. If we don’t have enough teachers to begin the school year, priority will be given to Sacramental Religious Education which includes, Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. Please contact the Religious Education Coordinators in your community with any questions. Thank you to our teachers this year for all their hard work, love and support.