- Part 2 “2nd Industrial Revolution” & “The West” 1870 1890 1860s 1900 ** Immigration (1) Pg. 313: Top two paragraphs (right side) “In 1881, nearly three quarters … to seek jobs in the cities” – what was the impact of immigrants? (2) Pg. 334 & top of 335: Who were the “new immigrants?” (3) Pg. 336: Immigrants & Optimism – from the Russian Jewish woman’s quote, why was she optimistic? (4) Pg. 339: Two paragraphs under heading “Immigrants’ Contributions to American Culture” – (1) what did immigrants bring to America, and (2) what were some individual contributions?
What does it mean to be an American?
“E Pluribus Unum” “Out of many, One”
- Part 2 “2nd Industrial Revolution” & “The West” 1870 1890 1860s 1900 ** Immigration (1) Pg. 313: Top two paragraphs (right side) “In 1881, nearly three quarters … to seek jobs in the cities” – what was the impact of immigrants? (2) Pg. 334 & top of 335: Who were the “new immigrants?” (3) Pg. 336: Immigrants & Optimism – from the Russian Jewish woman’s quote, why was she optimistic? (4) Pg. 339: Two paragraphs under heading “Immigrants’ Contributions to American Culture” – (1) what did immigrants bring to America, and (2) what were some individual contributions?
Impact of Immigrants … Immigrants were willing to work for low wages due to tough competition for jobs; they were prepared to move in pursuit of economic opportunity; and all of this means factories have a huge, willing workforce ready to help fuel economic growth.
Handout, “New Immigrants and Old” (1) What major differences between the “Old” and “New” immigrants stand out to you? (2) Looking at the immigration statistics, what numbers stand out to you, and looking at the total U.S. population below (say, in 1870 it’s 38.5 million people), how might this affect the United States? 1870 - 5,567,229 1880 - 6,679,943 1890 - 9,249,547 1900 - 10,341,276 1910 - 13,515,886 1920 - 13,920,692
What does it mean to be an American?
What ideas do you see here?
What does it mean to be an American?
At the turn of the century, most immigrants to the united States settled in cities because…
(1) Availability of large numbers of jobs (2) Excitement of city life
What is an immigrant? An immigrant is a person who once resided somewhere else and now lives in your country.
Why They Came? Push Factors - Farm poverty and worker uncertainty - Wars and compulsory military service - Political tyranny - Religious persecution - Population pressures Pull Factors - Plenty of land and work - Higher standard of living - Democratic political system - Opportunity for social advancement
“Old” Immigrants were WASPs – White, Anglo-Saxon protestants Why Nativism? Causes of nativism? (write these …) Old – Northern Europeans: Ireland, Germany, England, and Scandinavian countries. Before the Civil War (write this …) “Old” Immigrants were WASPs – White, Anglo-Saxon protestants - “Americanized” - Immigration a “problem” …
1890 is the “year of division” New – Southeastern Europeans, mainly from Italy, Greece, Turkey, Austria-Hungary, and Russia, as well as Canada and China, but also record numbers of Irish & Germans (Catholics) By 1900 (write this …) “New” Immigrants were largely Catholic and Jewish - Resisted complete “Americanization” or “Assimilation” …
What is Nativism? ** “Nativism” is a policy of favoring native inhabitants as opposed to immigrants. ** Very negative connotation, with a racist and highly negative cultural sentiment.
What concept is this?
Efforts to retain the Culture: “New” Immigrants Largely urban dwellers - By 1900, percentage of foreign born … Efforts to retain the Culture: (1) “Saloon culture” … (2) Practiced “Chain migration” … (3) Parochial Schools … (4) Settled in “Ethnic Enclaves” …
** Immigration Legislation During the Era … 1882 – Chinese Exclusion Act – banned Chinese immigration (1882 – 1943) 1917 – Immigration Act of 1917 – literacy tests placed upon immigrants for their own language
“Asiatic Barred Zone” - Immigration Act of 1917
** Based upon 1890 immigration statistics. Established a 2% quota max on immigrants from select areas of the world … ** Southeast Europe, Asia, Africa were disadvantaged ** Based upon 1890 immigration statistics.
Chinese Exclusion Act repealed by the … Magnuson Act on December 17, 1943, which allowed 105 Chinese to enter per year.