Next steps for European Consortium
Cardiff Meeting From Erminia It’s the first week of August and Europeans are usually on holiday… However 35 attendees from Europe/Japan 20+ over the phone from Europe/Japan/USA many others who would have liked to attend but could not The meeting has already been a success!
Cardiff Meeting Goals (from Erminia) Achieve a common understanding and approach to LiteBIRD for the participating countries Pave the way for a coordinated European scientific, technical and programmatic case for participation in LiteBIRD, through a combination of ESA and member states involvement Consider the technical capabilities and potential contributions of the various countries and institutes, base on the Japanese priorities for European participation Identify next steps in forming a European LiteBIRD Consortium and making representations at agency- level
Next Steps Cardiff meeting Page WEB LiteBIRD/Europe Report on the outcomes Under Erminia responsibility Presentation of the outcomes to next Florence meting on E4 (TBD) Page WEB LiteBIRD/Europe Collecting the meeting presentation etc. Under Tor Vergata responsibility (TBD)
Next meeting Paris, October 2-6 2017 Goals a shared view of the European contribution Proposing collaborations and costs Role of the national agencies Parallel sessions on HFT , Calibration and tests, Simulations/data analysis JSG New teams (HFT, Calibration) New people
Preparing ESA proposal Top-down JAXA-ESA agreement Bottom-up Science organization Consortium …