Using Maps & Globes
What is a map? An illustrative representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc.
What is a globe? A model of the earth that shows the earth’s shape, lands, distances and direction as they truly relate to one another.
Why do we use maps? Globes are too big to carry around Globes cannot show you the whole world at one time!
What is the difference between a map & globe? Two dimensional view of world Distorted views of the world Easy to use & very portable Globe Three dimensional view of the world Accurate details of the world (distance, size, shape, etc.) Not as easy to use & harder to carry around
What does every good map need? Map Essentials! What does every good map need?
Every map needs… Title Title also includes what type of map it is too!
Every map needs… Compass Rose Shows the viewer direction
Every map needs… Date: Maps expire—make sure you check out maps dates. When making your own maps, make sure to put the dates you work on it. “09/08/07” “November 29, 1982”
Every map needs… AUTHOR! Who created the map? Author!!!! B.Ludvigson
Every map needs… Legend/Key Explains symbols & colors
Every map needs Scale Shows the relationship between the distance on the map to the earth’s surface
Every map needs… Source: Where did the information come from? When you create/make/label maps, be sure to put where you are receiving your information. Site your source!
Every map needs… T.O.D.A.L.S.S. Title Orientation Date Author Legend Scale Source
Can you name the three types of maps?
First Map Type… Political map
Types of Maps Political Maps Show the major political “human-made” features of a region. Country/state borders Cities/capitals Political maps use different colors to represent countries/states.
Second Map Type… Physical Map
Types of Maps Physical Maps a. mountain ranges Show the major physical features of a region. a. mountain ranges b. water features (oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, etc.) c. islands, deserts, plains Physical maps use different colors to represent different elevations of land. Definition: the altitude of a place above sea level or ground level.
Third Type of Map Special-Purpose Map
Types of Maps Special – Purpose Map a. climate Focus on one special topic a. climate b. resources c. population etc. Depending on the type of special-purpose map, the information may be shown with different colors, arrows, dots, or other symbols.
Special – Purpose Map example: Finding the best seat at Target Field
Special – Purpose Map example: Metro Transit station at MOA
Special – Purpose Map example: Electoral map of 2008 election results
Special – Purpose Map example: United States climate map