MVPD Subscribers Are Most Satisfied With Paid Streaming Video Services, Showing Just How Much These Services Complement Pay-TV When it comes to specific satisfaction measures, the gap between “cord stackers” and “cord cutters / nevers” is largest for content selection (40 points) (Pay-TV subscriber + paid video streamer) (Have never subscribed to Pay TV; paid video streamer) (Recently canceled Pay-TV sub; paid video streamer) % of Streamers* 60% 4% 13% Source: J.D. Power 2016 Streaming Video Satisfaction Study. Based on responses from 3,928 customers who have used a subscription or transaction-based streaming video service within the past six months, fielded in June-July 2016. Streaming services include Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, VUDU and Apple iTunes. “Satisfaction” based on six key measures in order of importance: performance and reliability, content, cost of service, ease of use, communications and customer service. *Based on study respondents. 1