Universal Design for Learning: Planning for ALL Learners Carroll County Public Schools June 26-27, 2012 Dr. Elfreda Blue Associate Professor Hofstra University Elfreda.Blue@hofstra.edu Dr. Patti Kelly Ralabate CAST Director of Implementation pralabate@cast.org
Welcome Workshop Goals Examine UDL framework & UDL educational practice Identify tools & resources for lesson design to meet the needs of all learners Titan Pad http://carrollco.titanpad.com/1 PASSWORD: CAST
Join UDL Connect Carroll County Workshop Blog http://community.udlcenter.org/group/carroll-county-udl-pd
Find Your QUADRANT PARTNERS Let’s get started… Find Your QUADRANT PARTNERS 1 2 3 4
Question: What do you know about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and how did you learn it? Rate your understanding: 1 – unfamiliar 5 – very knowledgeable 1 to 5
UDL & the Learning Sciences Session Goal: Identify the connection between the learning sciences and the UDL framework UDL & the Learning Sciences UDL and Technology Brain Networks & Learning Experiencing multiple means Next Gen Learners Expert Learners
Affective Networks Motivational variability Attentional variability Self-regulatory variability
Recognition Networks Perceptual variability Linguistic variability Cognitive variability
Strategic Networks Motoric variability Skill variability Executive variability
Unexpected Visitor
What question was asked? Doing? Age?
Count the number of passes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGQmdoK_ZfY
UDL & Learner Variability Systematic learner variability http://udlseries.udlcenter.org/categories/explore.html
Quadrant Partner Think about your assumptions about learners of today. What new ideas will you consider? 1 2 3 4
RESOURCES UDL Exchange Online dynamic tool Lessons Resources Collections Build Share Re-mix UDL Exchange RESOURCES
UDL EXCHANGE http://udlexchange.cast.org/home
How to start a movement! http://sivers.s3.amazonaws.com/DancingGuy-ff.m4v